Torch, Winter 1993

I I I ! I ~ I l OPEX is America's number one producer of mail extraction equipment, with more than 70% of the domestic market. The company name came from "open" and "extract." OPEX systems are in thousands of mail rooms throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. Within the totally self– contained company, systems are designed, manufactured, sold, and serviced by OPEX employees. The company is known for "OPEX 4-Hour Service," assuring customers that a service technician will be on site within an average of four hours to resolve any equipment problems. How did you decide to own your own business? Soon after going to work for OPEX, I discovered that the company was nearly bankrupt. My wife, Joanna, and I felt the business could be successful. We consulted friends and trusted counselors, and relied heavily on our pastor, Dr. Carl Elgena, whom we also respected as a businessman. We want to seek God's will in everything that we do, including our business. Therefore we look for His blessings on our plans. We consult with other Christians, especially those who have a good testimony in their businesses. In addition, we do as much planning as possible so that we'll have a plan in place to carry out what we believe to be God's will. If He does not bless, we will be sensitive to that, and can adjust our plan. What are some of the core values of your company? I can list some philosophies that are important to me. 1. To conduct all business in a fair and honest manner. 2. To listen and be responsive to customers' needs. 3. To recognize the value of the individual. 4. To have a conservative financial management plan which dictates growth. 5. To move ahead continually and deliberately to assure the continued survival of the company. 6. To exercise freedom from tradition and convention if a better method can be devised. 7. To expand only in fields related to our existing business. 8. To maximize employee empowerment by operating with minimum layers of management. 9. To avoid an "It's not my job" attitude. How does your company structure reflect this philosophy? Christians can have different approaches to running a successful business. Our business and its environment suggest that if we empower the employees and trust them to do a good job, we have good productivity and a high level of interest by the employees. Therefore, we have created a fairly flat organization. An advantage of a small organization is that the owner is required to be involved in just about every aspect of the business, so we can react very quickly to changing market conditions, development of new products, and providing better services. We have consciously worked to retain flexibility in our decision– making, and also to create a family atmosphere by keeping the rules and documentation to a minimum. We want to be cooperative in our efforts. At OPEX, it's unacceptable to say "That's not my job." We do not have a published organizational chart. Given your effort to ••keep rules to a minimum.•• do you have any written ~olicies to ensure the company will reflect your values? Our first written policy documents were directed toward expense reimbursements . We wanted to be sure our employees reflected the company philosophies. For example, we did not want our employees drinking alcohol at lunch, so, as a part of our employee expense policy, we clearly indicated that drinking was not going to be allowed while entertaining prospective customers. Also, we wanted to avoid giving the appearance of trying to inappropriately influence someone to purchase equipment through meals and entertainment. That also is reflected in our expense policy. We now have about 250 employees. As our company has grown, we have created a policy manual, for both administrative and legal purposes. This helps us respond appropriately if any employee does have a problem. We do our best to rehabilitate the individual and help him to be productive. How can you a company president influence the values of others in the company7 Leadership at the top sets the pace for the company. The extent to which we hold high standards, treat employees fairly, and expect customers to be treated fairly will be reflected in how employees deal with each other as well as with customers. Our employees are aware I am available for them and for "Realize that everything you have is aresult of God entrusting you with a responsibility." Torch 7