1915 Cedrus Yearbook

WILLIAM DWIGHT STERRETT, A.B. "Mutt" "Hoot" Born Cedarville, 0., 1893. Graduated Cedarville H. S., 1911 ; Philosophic; Glee Club and Orchestra; Minstrel, '12, '14; Vice President, Y. M. C. A., '12-'1;3 Editor of the Gavelyte, '12213, '14215. "A young man tall and straight, and strong and handsome." JOHN ROSCOE MCCORKELL, A.B. "Cork" Born Cedarville, 0., 1892. Graduated Cedarville H. S., 1911; Philo; Orchestra and Glee Club; Assistant Manager, Min. strel, '12; Manager, Minstrel, '14; Vice President of the Class. "A valiant youth, and his face like the face of the morning, Gladdened the earth with its light, and ripened thoughts into action." 23