1915 Cedrus Yearbook

Cedarville's Representatives On Foreign Mission Fields Hammond Gorbold Lanning Lanning EDARVILLE COLLEGE is proud of the men and women who are repre- senting her on the Foreign Mission field. They are they who are actively engaged in attending to the chief business of the church in difficult places. A life of service in the church at home among friends, amid the scenes of native land is, indeed, commendable; but to go to a strange land and labor among an un- familiar people requires grace, faith, and courage. Let honor be given to whom honor is due. Rev. Raymond Porter Gorbold, D.D., graduated from Cedarville College in 1897, and from Lane Theological Seminary in 1902. In 1903, he went to Japan under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Wilbur Chapman, the great evang- elist, says "Gorbold is the coming man in Japan." We predict that his name will go down in history with those of Livingstone and Paton. Miss Alfaretta Hammond graduated in the class of 1903. She was appointed as a missionary to Egypt under the direction of the United Presbyterian church in 1904. She was home on a furlough in 191 I, and received the Master's degree from her Alma Mater. She is now located in Beni Suef, Egypt, at the head of a large school for girls. Rev. William Waide was ap honor member of the class of 1909. His theo- logical training was obtained at McCormick Seminary, Chicago, where he graduated in 1912. In the fall of that year he went to India under appointment from the Re- formed Presbyterian church, where in conjunction with Dr. John C. Taylor, he has full supervision of the work of that denomination. Miss Wilhelmina Edith Mitray-Lanning graduated in 1912. In the spring of 1914, she was united in marriage to Professor Roy A. Lanning, who for four years had been the efficient head of the science department of Cedarville College. In the fall of the same year under appointment by the Presbyterian church, Professor and Mrs. Lanning went to Teng-Chow Fu, Shantung province, North China. The Foreign Mission Board of the Reformed Presbyterian Church can use more men and women. Who will offer their services? 49