1915 Cedrus Yearbook
Philosophic Society One year after the founding of Cedarville College, came the organization of the Philosophic Literary Society. Scarcely was it so momentous as the establishment of the college itself, yet it has been an important factor in the growth and development of the institution. If you are visiting the main building do not forget to explore our pleasant hall on the third floor. While you will find no elevator running to that story, we feel that you will be more than paid for the difficult task of climbing three flights of stairs. The colors green and white, are tastefully carried out in the furnishings. Re- cently it has been repapered, and new curtains soften, and add much to the appearance of the room. From the windows one may look out over the campus, dotted here and there with the famous "three hundred trees." Near the beginning of the year the annual reception was held in honor of the new students. The early part of the evening was given to music and games. We are glad to have had our ranks strengthened by such a goodly number of new members this year. Their work has been of a pleasing character, due perhaps to the "ambrosia" so kindly tendered them on the evening of their initiation. The work of the entire society has been progressing nicely and we have kept ever before us our motto, "Let it be perpetual." To the members and to all we give you greetings. Noble Seniors, how it grieves us, That your days with us are o'er, And may truth and duty guide you As you sail out from this shore. To the Juniors, we entreat you, That the places left so bare, By our Bird and Lloyd and Sterrett, You will fill with genius rare. 57 Happy Sophomores, as you enter Next into the Junior file; You have work that you must conquer With that ever-present smile. Faithful Freshmen, numb'ring seven, Earth's sufficiency you reach. As the Sophomores taught you this year, Next year's Freshmen you can teach.
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