1915 Cedrus Yearbook

MARCH 17. orated in honor MARCH 18. MARCH 22. MARCH 23, history of C. C. MARCH 24. MARCH 26, student body in MARCH 27. lucky," and the APRIL 1, APRIL 3. Muskingum. APRIL 4. APRIL 6. APRIL 7. APRIL 8. to be outdone, e APRIL 9. APRIL 10. APRIL 12, APRIL 14. by "Bill" andD APRIL 21. APRIL 22. APRIL 23. summer Night's APRIL 24. APRIL 28. The Calendar 191 4-15 "St. Patrick's day in the morning.- The table at Fort Dallas handsomely dec- of Mr. Whyte. The decorations still remain. Mr. Willard Ritchie preaches in the R. P. church. -Kid Party- at Ramsey's. "The Ride of Paul Ramsey" now a classic in the The -Kid Party," the main topic of conversation. "Bill" Collins, in rhetoric class, vividly portrays a sleigh-ride party of the C. C. 1965. Emma Randall presents "Christmas Day in the Morning," "Aunt Jane of Ken- court scene from "The Merchant of Venice," at the opera house. The play,"A Kentucky Belle" presented by the Seniors. Miss Cresswell and Miss Orr entertain in honor of Misses Boyd and Patton from Great excitement over sale of seats for the minstrel. C. E. social at the R. P. church. The minstrel show. Quite a hit. Freshman spread at Ramsey's. Cake mysteriously disappears but the Freshmen not at soda crackers. Second presentation of the minstrel show. Seniors present their play at Clifton. W. P. Harriman, '12, preaches in the R. P. church. Baseball practise begins. "Sophs" and "Freshies" gloriously entertained at Collins's orothy. Girls' spread at Bird's. Xenia H. S. I, C. C. 27. Baseball. Shakespeare night. Selections from "Othello," "Merchant of Venice,- and "Mid. Dream," Everybody good. Visitors from Ohio State University. Cards distributed, "Everybody Go to Church Sabbath, May 3." 81