1915 Cedrus Yearbook
JANUARY 8. Surprise on Mabel Stormont. JANUARY 9. No one in a hurry to get out of bed. JANUARY 1 I. Annual contribution of Piso's Almanacs and the American Book Company's Cal- .endarl distributed. JANUARY 12. Mrs. Gebhardt, state superintendent of the W. C. T. U., in chapel. Class basket ball games. Sum total of points-Freshmen 35, Upper Clansmen 45. JANUARY 3. (Miss H. in rhetoric): "What do you accept a plan or a proposal?" JANUARY 5. Hoskinson vociferously expresses his views concerning "Billy" Sunday. JANUARY 6. "Doc" Lloyd returns to Miller street. JANUARY 7. Coach McClure preaches. JANUARY 8. After much careful thot the Annual is christened. JANUARY 9. Annual contracts signed. JANUARY 20. Lots of snow to sweep and more "comm." JANUARY 21. Mr. Roland NicolIs speaks on the subject, "Mind your Business" and also gives a brief account of Harold Bell Wright. JANUARY 22. A C. C. delegation meets Dr. Chesnut at the train and welcomes him to Cedarville. JANUARY 23. Big fire in the Black Hills. JANUARY 24. Dr. Chesnut preaches his initial sermon in the R. P. church. JANUARY 25. Picture taking the order of the day. JANUARY 26. More pictures. Freshman spread. JANUARY 27. "Nothin' doin'." JANUARY 28. Reception for Dr. Chesnut. Basket ball-Cedarville 28, Ashland 42. JANUARY 29. Exams. Sled ride to Creswell's. JANUARY 30. Everybody "sleepin.." JANUARY 31. Good "skatin'."(?) FEBRU,RY I. SI111 at ease. FEPRUARY 2. Second semester begins. Rev. Patton speaks. Librarian, Miss Forbes, married. FEBRU'RY 3. The Totten Company gives an entertainment, the fifth number of the lecture course. FEBRUARY 4. The long-heard-of ex-Senator Frank J. Cannon, here at last. FEI3RUARY 5. The basket ball girls are missed. FEBRUARY 10. "Dave- and Carey teach (?) Bible class. FEBRUARY 11. 'Washington and Lincoln memorial day. FEBRUARY 12. Day of prayer. Dr. Chesnt.t preaches. McClure wins sixth place in thz Inter- collegiate Oratorical Contest. FEBRUARY 3. Chesnut, Duff, and Company take a walk. FEBRUARY 5. Some of the would-be farmers and cooks atterd the Farmers' Institute. FEBRUARY 6. Several take advantage of the chicken dinner at the P. P. church. FEBRUARY 7. McClure expounds the nebular theory at the dinner table. FEBRUARY 8. The Annual Board makes a flying trip to Xenia. FEBRUARY 9. Girls' basket ball-Jamestown 3, Cedarville 10. Boys-Wilmington 40, Cedar- wale 41. FEBRUARY 20. R. C. H. visits in the Creswell neighborhood. FEBRUARY 22. Washington's birthday. No school. FEBRUARY 23. Old Fiddlers' Contest. FEBRUARY 26. Rev. FL.G. Rice delivers a short address in chapel. Bliss Business College 50, Cedarville 34. FEBRUARY 27. Rev. Allen asks Miss Holiday an embarrassing question concerning her age. MARCH I. Rev. Allen present for chapel services. MARCH 2. Miss Ina Ferris entertains. MARCH 3. The last day Hazel has any vacant hours; also the last day Paul comes to school. MARCH 4. Everybody studies (?) MARCH 5. Girls' basket ball-Cedarville 22, Antioch 20. Boys-score forgotten. MARCH 8. The boys find their room at school nicely furnished. MARCH 9. The boys get a new rocker as a gift from the ladies. MARCH 10. Dr. Chesnut speaks in Y. M. MARCH 1 1. Basket ball-Xenia Federals 32, Cedarville 28. MARCH 12. At dinner McClure makes known the astounding truth that every girl, in her own opinion, has the ideal fellow. MARCH 13. Annual Board busy. MARCH IS. All busy. MARCH 17, Dr. Chesnut visits Y. M. Some wear the Shamrock. 84 •••
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