1915 Cedrus Yearbook
S. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE S A VERY good place in which to get your educa- tion. It offers courses in the following departments: Collegiate, Normal, Preparatory, Agricultural, Theo- logical, Musical, Oratorical, Art, and Domestic Science. The work is thorough and readily accepted at full value by the largest and best Colleges and Universities, such as Ohio State University, Miami University, Ohio University, Chicago University, University of Michigan, Columbian University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Credit is given for work in the Normal Department toward state certification without examination. The elective system prevails, and with proper restriction, the student is permitted to choose the studies in which he is most interested, for which he is best prepared, and which will best fit him for his chosen life work. Small classes enable both professors and students to do their best work and get the most out of it. The moral and religious in- fluences are of the best. A free employment bureau is main- tained and is successful in placing graduates in places of use- fulness. Last year every member of the graduating class who wished a position was definitely employed within a week after commencement. Tuition in the Preparatory and Theological Departments is absolutely free and in all other Departments the rates are very low. Living expenses are extremely low. Many who could not afford the expense of a College education elsewhere are able to obtain one at Cedarville. A catalogue and further information can be obtained by writing to Cedar- ville College, Cedarville, Ohio. 89
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