1915 Cedrus Yearbook

Thorb Charters Galloway andCherry I 1 E. MAIN ST. Xenia, Ohio Headquarters for Reliable Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. JEWELER Now Located at 443 E. Main Street XENIA, OHIO OHIO PRIDE FLOUR For particular people who can use only THE BEST EVERY SACK GUARANTEED MANUFACTURED BY George, & Ervin Bros. Jamestown, Ohio Kerr & Hastings Bros. Cedarville, 0. Distributors WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF Carey's Bird should fly? "Dave" should bite his tongue? McClure should comb his hair? Wilmah should lose her w(W)ard? The Freshmen should have a spread? Rife should be on time? Paul should lose his Gardiner? Duff should fail to get a hundred? Prof. Allen should lose his watch chain? Ruth R. should say she had her lesson? Doherty should quit his flirting? Warren should go up in smoke? Irene should roast her Chestnut? Milred M. should fail to get another fellow? Dr. McKinney should forget his usual announcement? YES We always have a fine line of fresh and smoked meats, choice fruits of all kinds. OYSTERS IN SEASON Cultice Meat Market CEDARVILLE, OHIO WATCH Your Step and Take Your Watch, Clock, Jewelry and Optical Work to S. J. WHITT 6S.Detroit St. Xenia,0. IV , 1 i ;