1916 Cedrus Yearbook

19 16 Freshman Class History I T is not my design to extol to the skies the virtues of this class, whose history Iam about to relate. For if I should say that the class of'19 was composed of the brightest constellation of intellects ever seen under one canvas, or em- braced a combination of wit and wisdom which threatens to surprise the world (however true this may be)it might not be received in the spirit intended and might result in producing among its intellectual lights self pride worthy of a Sophomore. SoIshall merely say that we delight to recall thatfourteenth day of September in the fall of 1915 when twenty-three vivacious Freshmen and three promising Preps were made at home in Cedarville College. We have been associated together only for a short time, but during that time we have learned to love and honor each other. Our social intercourse has been most pleasant and when it comes to having spreads the Freshies cannot be beaten. Oh, yes,wegenerally had some trailers as you will learn from the remark made by one of the upper classmen after he had a very touching experience at one of our spreads. When asked by a lady, if he were an educated person, he replied "yes mum,I am a good roads scholar." We were noted for our kind hospitality shown to these visitors, but when the time came for our departure, we would far rather see the other fellow hoof it than share with him our mostcomfortable "limousine." You see the fun has turned to us and we are still anxiously awaiting their swift attention. Since we like our class the best We'll tell you so, Since we'd have her lead the rest We'll help her grow. When there's anything to do We'll be there to push with you And feel bully when it's thru, Don't you know. For old C. C. we'll ever stand, She's our style; And shout her fame from strand to strand All the while. We're a jolly twenty-three We drink our tea in mirth and glee And shout and yell for old C.C. All the while. H.S. 43