1916 Cedrus Yearbook

19 16 Y.M. C. A. Staff F OREMOST among the organizations of college life stands the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, whose social benefits, moral influence and religious training have imprinted in the lives of its workers the worthy principles of Christianity together with a zealous inspiration of mis- sionary service. From the beginning of this association in 1906 until the present time it has helped to prepare the young men of Cedarville for a larger life, and has even led some into the ministerial and missionary fields. Mr. Waide, who was one of its organizers, is now a Reformed Presbyterian missionary to India, and Professor Lai:ming, who was for four years an enthusiastic sup- porter,sailed in 1914for China, where he is doing excellent work. The year 1915-16 has been one of marked growth both in membership and interest. Our weekly meetings have been characterized from time to time by some excellent addresses. Rev.Maurice Ruben, Supt.of the New Covenant Mission ofPittsburg, gave us a very interesting talk on the Jew vs. Christi- anity. Dr. McChesney and Dr. Chesnut have given us several helpful messages. On Feb. end. all the men of the college were entertained by the Y. M.C. A. The evening was enjoyed by means of games, toasts and a social good time. Plans were also laid for future work and a written constitution drafted. On March fourth Lawrence Kennon,our new president,wentto theSta te Conference at Columbus, The convention was a grand inspiration,and Mr.Kennon returned full of enthusiasm for promoting the interests of our association. May the present be only a beginning of a wider field for Christian work in the years which are to come. H.C.Mc. 62 II