1916 Cedrus Yearbook

19 16 Located in a college center, he has a splendid opportunity to help to mold hundreds of lives in college circles, many of whom go out in Christian service into all parts of the earth. Bickett was married to Miss LeotiFullerton Watt, Greenfield, Ohio,a graduate o 1901 class, Mus- kingum College, December 31, 1902. They have three daughters who expect to take part of their edu- cation in Cedarville. REV.JOHN ALVIN ORR,A.B., A. M. Little do weknow what lies in the future. If some one could have stood on the mountain top and prophesied the wonderful power this member of the old class of '97 would wield, perhaps some might have dout.ted the validity of the prophecy. Wonderful opportunities are o:,en to those who are willing. It is not an easy task to write the biog- raphy of the truly great; all that we will try to do will be to pick out a few things here and there in the life of Orr. A higher hand controls life and destinies otherwise than we some- times plan. And so instead of entering a Medical Schootin the autumn of'97, Orr entered the Reformed Presbyterian Seminary in Philadelphia under the saintly teacher of blessed memory, Dr. David Steele, and continued there until the holidays of 1900. Atthe same time he entered the Senior class of the University of Pennsylvania and was graduated in '98. After two years of post-graduate in the same institution he received the Master's Degree. He completed his theological course in the United PresbyterianSeminary in Pittsburgh,1901. He was the pastor of the Norris Square United Presbyterian church,Philadelphia,1901-13. He accepted a call to the First United Presbyterian Church,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,in November 1913,and continues its efficient pastor. Since his pastorate in Pittsburgh commenced the membership has increased from four to seven hundred. Among the many things of a busy pastor that concern him, is the building of the community house contiguous to the church,forcommunity service,theobject of whichis to lead peor_ le to personal fellow- ship with Christ. The building will costabout8300.000and will beendowed; having a corps of ten or twelve workers. Many have been blessed by his preaching and no doubt in years to come greater things are in store for him. Orr was married to Miss Imo Jean Roadarmer, June 4, 1902, in Denver, Colorado. They have four children. 78