1917 Cedrus Yearbook
19 17 Hutchison& Gibney's XENIA, OHIO UP-TO-DATE STYLES Silk and Wool Suits Skirts, Waists, Cor- sets,Gloves,Hosiery Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Curtains Kitchen Cabinets, Coal, Wood and Gas Ranges, Ice Chests, China,5 and 10 cent Articles, Housekeepers' Needs FINEST STORE FROM BOSTON TO SAN FRANCISCO Prof. Alc('hesney (In Social Welfare) "Tell Inc what you know about Ethryl Alcohol?" Duncan—"I don't know her." One student to another—"Duncan wouldn't make a good pall-bearer." Other Student—"Why?" First Student—"He's so slow he wouldn't get the corpse there in time for Judgment day." If the burglar gut into the cellar would the coal chute (shoot)? No! but El- wood. Photographer Wheeler to Prof. Jurkat(while taking group picture of Seminary Faculty and Students)—"Pull your feet back in. I can't get them all in. The Greene County Lumber Co. XENIA, OHIO Has the largest stock of LUMBER in this sec- tion of the county—all grades and lowest prices "A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" LUMBER DELIVERED TO THE BUILDING SITE 108
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