1917 Cedrus Yearbook

19 17 The Tarbox Lumber Company Have a complete line of BUILDING MATERIALS Estimates cheerfully made. Best grades at reasonable prices. Phone 33 Cedarville, Ohio Miss Taylor, in Physical Geography—"What is the use of all the sand in the sea?" Roger Collins—"That's what they scour the sea with." "Dear Jake: Come tomorrow evening sure. Papa is at home, but laid .with a sore foot." Sally. "Dear Sally: I can't come tomorrow night. I am hid up on account of your papa's sore foot." Jake. What goes up must come down, So says the ancient adage; But one exception has been found— The price of potatoes and cabbage. Why may Paul Ducan marry many a wife and yet be single? Because he is going to be a clergyman. Horton passing back of the library, while faculty was holding its monthly meeting,observed someone's feet on the table and was heard to remark,"What strange things come up in faculty meeting." Prof. Allen—WhaI time was this psalm written? Ellen Tarbox—" If is thot, about the time of Absalom's resurrection." Prof. McChesney—"Beauty is only'skin deep." Chad.—"Some people ought to be skinned." Ralph Elder—"Women are inclined to be stubborn once in awhile." Pauline Smith—"That works the other way also." 115 Doherty—"What are you doing, fishing?" Elwood—"No, you simp. I am teaching these little worms to swim. See,'there is one swimming on his own hook now." Boy, gun, Joy, fun; Gun bust, Boy dust.