1917 Cedrus Yearbook
19 "Yes, Give Me the Very Best, Please", I don't wonder you're surprised, Mr. Todd, that I should buy luxuries we ordinarily aren't accustomed to, in our modest way of living ', especial- lywhen my husband has been sick so long. So very good of you to offer to ex- tend credit, but indeed I'd rather pay cash the same as I always have done. I can't resist telling you about our ./ETNA COMPRERENSIVE HEALTH POLICY. You see, we've been getting $50 a week from the policy while my hus- band was in the hospital—and we get $26 a week now and will receive payments, if we need them, up to a whole year. You might think it over and see if you don't believe it would be a mighty good thing for you to ,ETNA-IZE You can do it at very little cost jwt. telephone—or write—or call on Savage & McMillan E. Main St. XENIA, OHIO 17 Mantels, Tiles, and Grates 51 W. nigh St. McDaniel Fireplace Accessories Fixtures and Electric Wiring SPRINGFIELD,OHIO iuts•M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111..1111111,111111111111111111111111111M11“01111111M11111ffill110111.1111111.111 .1111 .111111111111=11111110111111 .110111111 , Clothes Talid The Better They Look The Louder They Talk We Clean, Press,and Repair them and give them a tone of DISTINCTION Call us We'll Call Xenia Dry Cleaning Co. 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Fi ' IF11,.":i • • t k!'", -7...414 40 Getyour GROCERIES,FRUIT, and VEGETABLES at J. M. Willoughby Corner Grocery Cash Paid for Butter Fat All Orders Delivered Quickly Phone 85 CEDARVILLE, OHIO 116 Galloway & Cherry 11 E. Main St. Xenia, Ohio
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