1917 Cedrus Yearbook

19 Snappy Togsfor Men& Young Men Vie Criterion A Storefor Dad and the Boys Xenia, Obto 17 Jobe Brothers Co. XENIA,OHIO Exclusive Distinctive Models in Women's Apparel 11 Remarkable collection from the standpoint of fashion,material,and value. 'II We display the newest in Millinery, Boots,Gloves,and DressAccessories. Richards'Drug Store STUDENTS' Headquarters Phone 203 Cedarville, Ohio LEO ANDERSON,D.V. M. VETERINARIAN RESIDENCE 2-81 • PHONES•{OF FICE 3-81 CEDARVILLE,OHIO TRY US ON SHOES YOU WILL SAVE MONEY . S. and S.SHOE STORE E. MAIN STREET XENIA, OHIO .Janet (in extempore)—"We should choose a variety of vegetables such as fish, meat,and eggs. Prof. McChesney—"The topic for Y. M.C. A. tomorrow is, "The regal- vanizing of indifferent members." "I also wish to announce that the Y. W. C. A. Will have an insulation of offi- cers." 17 77-it 777LE OFH IY 5CE/YL I