1917 Cedrus Yearbook
101 W. MAIN STREET 19 17 ROBERT BIRD AND SONS CO. The Store That The Students Make Their Headquarters WE TRY TO PLEASE THEM For the GIRLS A full line of Furnishing Goods, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Silk Hosi- ery, etc. For All STUDENTS Tennis and .Basket Ball Shoes, Sweaters, Pennants, etc. We take this opportunity to thank ill he students for their patronage. COME AGAIN For the BOYS Wilson Bro.Famous$1.50Shirts; Rice and Hutchins $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes; Royal Tailored Suits; Snappy, Stylish Hats and Caps; Nifty Neckties, Arrow Collars, P. Q. A. and Mentor Underwear,Silk Socks, Belts and other merchandise of merit. fiord Authorized Sales and Service R.A.MURDOCK Main Street CEDARVILLE,OHIO Bill A. (In chapel after we broke down on No. R3)—"Well, we got as far as Sing Sing any how." Student—"Are you going to take somebody to the lecture tonight?" Mr. Duncan—"Yes, I have a seat." Anna Collins (In Literature Class) —"After meeting a number of hard- , ships he was finally married." SCE/YE. 111- BELL PHONE 681 l'IIIZEN PHONE 174 FLOY ANDERSON,Florist FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS XENIA,OHIO THE STORE THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT KATZ & MADDUX Clothes for Men, particularly Young Men Opposite Citizens National Bank XENIA,OHIO 119
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