1917 Cedrus Yearbook

19 AA 17 Prestige in Piano Buying When You Buy from the SUTTON MUSIC STORE 15th Year on Green Street, XENIA, OHIO Over 1000 Satisfied Customers. Piano Refinishing. Tuning and Repairing a Specialty. BOTH PHONES We pay the highest possible net cash price for Cream. The Western Ohio Creamery Co. XENIA, OHIO J. M. WILLOUGHBY, Cedarville Representati\ WILLARD Storage Batteries Oscar L. Pidgeon S. Detroit St. XENIA,OHIO Scrirt LE Jim—"Are you cold?" Irene—"Yes, dear." .lim—"Want my coat?" Irene (Leaning over)—Just the sleeves. Recently Miss Schneder received a letter, and was afterward heard sing- ing,"None like thee—None like thee." Walk-Over Shoes For --Wren and Women $3.50 to $10.00 Moser's Shoe Store XENIA, OHIO 20 BOTH PHONES 71 he Greene County Hardware Co. The House that Makes Good Xenia, Ohio