1917 Cedrus Yearbook

19 17 Introduction W E present to you with our greeting and good will this 1917 Cedrus. We trust you may find pleasure in the perusal of its pages. through which we have en- deavored to give you a true insight into the life and spirit of the school. We greatly appreciate the valuable assistance of the Faculty, and the hearty co-operation of fel- low students. Space does not permit us to begin to extend complimentary notice to all who have contributed materially to the success of the Cedrus. We wish especially to thank the advertisers who have, by their patronage, aided us very substanti- ally in financing this venture. It has been our intention to please all; how well we have succeeded we of course cannot know. We certainly hope that our readers will find no- thing to offend,somethings to amuse,and much to please and be treasured up in the years to come as reminders of the pleasant days we have all spent together, while endeavoring to fit ourselves for the greater activities which will soon he upon us. THli. STAFF.