1918 Cedrus Yearbook
19 LI ,Ck.• • 18 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH N the summer of 1844, a little group of Associate Reformed Pres- byterians, living near Cedarville, peti tioned the Springfield Pres- bytery of that church for the organiz ation of a congregation in their midst. The request was ref erred to the Second Synod for final action and on being acted upon favorably, the organization was duly effected on November 6, 1844. With the union of the Associate and Associate Re- formed Churches in 1858, the local congr egation became the United Pres- byterian Church of Cedarville. Thru almost seventy-five years that have been marked by the usual vicissitudes that fall to the lot of all cong regations, the Cedarville Church has maintained a vigorous life and a healthy gro wth. In all matters per- taining to the betterment of the community,it has taken a prominent part. It has served the Kingdom well in sending in to its ranks of the ministry almost a score of its young men. Its inter est in and contributions to the missionary work of the United Presbyte rian Church have won it a place in the foremost ranks of the denomination. At pr esent the congregation enrolls a membership of slightly over two hundre d and fifty. During its history,the congregation has bee n served by eleven ministers. The present pastor, James S. E. McMichael, was installed as such on De- cember 16, 1910. REV. JAMES S. E. MCMICHAEL 59
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