1919 Cedrus Yearbook

19 FOREWORD 19 T IS true that a mirror does not reflect a correct copy of a letter held in front of it. It is only with difficulty that the image of the letter can be read. The letter may be a well-written one and no person would attempt to criticize it; yet the image would not be as easy to read as the letter itself. The Staff has tried to present the school year of nineteen hundred eighteen and nineteen in Cedarville College cor- rectly in this 1919 CEDRUS. It may be that we have not succeeded and that this CEDRUS is only an incorrect image of the past school year. If you find this to be true, do not criticize the College, but if you must, criticize this CEDRUS. We have been able to present only in a small way the happenings of the critical year of our College, as well as the critical year in the history of the world. It was with some hesitation that school was opened in Septem- ber, 1918. The World War caused conditions in the educational world to be uncertain. Although we entered the school year with the world at war, we have seen the end of the war,and we hope that the treaty of peace will soon be a reality. We have no apology to offer for anything that you may find to criticize, for we have tried to do our best. We hope that no one will be offended and that this volume may be the predecessor of splendid annuals of a large and growing Christian institution of learning. The Staff has eliminated all unessential reading material and has tried to make it a book for entertainment and not for study. We have tried to say, as did the men who were given a difficult task to perform,"We think we can do it," and we hope when you have this book we can say, as they did when they had completed the work,"We thought we could." THE STAFF. 4