1919 Cedrus Yearbook

19 19 NOVEMBER 20. "The best thing to do when it is raining is just to let it rain." That is what we did. NOVEMBER 21. An enjoyable evening for some at the home of Helen Creswell. NOVEMBER 29. Thanksgiving. A real turkey dinner enjoyed. NOVEMBER 30. Thankful to be living yet, after the meals enjoyed yesterday. DECEMBER 1. Exciting baseball game by Paul Duncan in the Orange and Blue meeting . DECEMBER 4. Prof. Allen never receives any candy from the girls since he was married. DECEMBER 5. Girls buy best box of candy in town and send it to Prof. Allen. Wil l see results Monday. Lecture by John Kendrick Bangs. DECEMBER 9. Prof. Allen ate too much candy and is not able to be at school. DECEMBER 10. Prof. Wesley receives cards to help him entertain the flu. DECEMrER 12. Cloaks mysteriously disappear from the girls' waiting-room. Are f ound after several walks around the building. DECEMBER 13. Freda not having caught the flu from Ruth Ramsey,thought she m ight have "the next fellow that comes to town. I'll kiss through a handkerch ief." Bill was next. DECEMBER 16. Entertained at Orange and Blue by address by William Rife Collins, returned from the army. DECEMBER 17. Freda says,"Every girl strives for the universal heart of man." DECEMBER 18. Ellen, I don't like that. "Linger always goes with summer for me." DECEMBER 19. Cedrus staff elected. Tie for assistant editor, not to be broken unti l 1919. DECEMBER 20. Christmas program rendered in chapel. JANUARY 1, 1919. New Year's Day. Begun a-right by reciting all classes. JANUARY 2. Morton Creswell says that moneS, lasts longer in the count ry than in town. There's a reason. . . . JANUARY 3. Debate: Resolved. That one hour's work per week makes one eligible for athletics. Affirmative, The Boys; negative, The Faculty. JANUARY 6. Interesting talk by Bird and Brubaker, both khaki-clad boys. JANUARY 7. Lieutenant P. H. Creswell addresses student body. He's been "over there ." JANUARY 8. Miss Marsh shows her knowledge of farm life. "Straw is baled hay." JANUARY 9. "One little bit of talking done, One little cross word spoken, Has power to bring two Seniors down Even from the perch they've taken." JANUARY 10. Tribute paid to Roosevelt by different members of the Faculty a nd stu- dents. Basketball, C.C. versus Wilmington, 59-27. JANUARY 13. Practice songs and cheers. Orange and Blue meet. JANUARY 15. Edwin Bradfute singing, looked at Louise,"None like thee." JANUARY 16. Freshmen love the college so, they spend some time at night on the campus. JANUARY 17. Wilmington versus C. C. Score 36-31 C. C. Oyster feed, after game. JANUARY 20. Freshmen see results of spreads when they see their Chemistry grades. JANUARY 21. Hammond suggests halfsoles be made from beef had for supper at the club. JANUARY 22. Club number grows. Bob Edwards. JANUARY 23. Attractiveness of club becomes known ai.d Huey joins the ranks. JANUARY 24. C. C. verses Dayton Engineers. 54-29 score. JANUARY 27. Sulphur has many properties which are not harmgul, but care should be taken when it becomes hot, for it gets "viscious." JANUARY 28. Lecture Course. Splendid Scotch program. Two girls fail to get the longed-for candy. JANUARY 29. Bradfute, when Jamestown was mentioned: "What'd you say about me?" JANUARY 30. Rule for giving piece in oratory as suggested by Turnbull: Begin in the middle and go both ways. JANUARY 31. Dr. McChesney entertains Faculty and students. Delightful even ing for all. Three cheers for our president. 68