1919 Cedrus Yearbook
19 19 THE JAMES F. MORTON BIBLE CHAIR NE of the biggest movements started by President McChesney is the campaign to raise an endowment fund to provide permanently for the teaching of the Bible in the College. The Bible always has been taught in the College, but in the past the instruction has been given by professors holding other chairs. The establishment of a chair in Bible would permit the employment of a separate professor of English Bible. Friends have suggested that the chair be named after the Rev. Jams F. Morton, D.D.,for forty years pastor of the Main Street Reformed Presbyterian Church of Cedarville, the first vice-president of the College, the first professor of English Bible, and long a member of the Board of Trustees. It is proposed, in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the College, to raise twenty-five thousand dollars—a thousand for each year of its history—for the establishment of this fund. Already three thousand dollars in actual cash has been contributed, and the campaign has hardly begun. All who revere the memory of Dr. Morton, all who are interested in the teaching of the Bible, all who desire the advancement of the mental, moral,and spiritual uplift of Cedarville College and community, and for the establishment of the kingdom of God,are asked to contribute to this fund. FIFTY FRESHMEN FOR NEXT YEAR 4 S AY,do you suppose it ever will come true?" "What?" "Why,Dr. McChesney's dream of fifty freshmen for next fall. Wouldn't it be great?" "It sure would! Why,it would put new pep into the whole shebang." "But can they pull it off?" "Well, honestly, I believe they're actually going to make good. Why,say, Dr. McChesney and all the profs are chasing all over the state after high-school graduates who never even heard that there was such a thing as a college;they go and make life miserable for him until he promises to come to Cedarville." "Well, believe me, that's the spirit!" "And the students are all writing letters and trying to get their old pals to come, and boosting Cedarville to beat the band." "They tell me that the alumni are getting busy on the proposi- tion, too, and roping in freshies. Gee, won't the campus be green next fall?" "And none of'em'll ever be sorry they came,either." "Say, haven't we had good times here this year?" "And that's not the best of it either. We've gotten something worth while, and when we're through he re we'll be somebody and amount to something." "The Cedarville gr ads sure do make good;that's a cinch." "Well, let's rake in a few freshies our selves." "Sure thing! Fifty freshmen in September! Sounds good to me !" 72
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