1919 Cedrus Yearbook

19 19 The Tarbox Lumber Co. Have a complete line of BUILDING MATERIALS Estimates cheerfully made. Best grades at reasonable prices. Phone 33 Cedarville, Ohio —1 Choose the I Odorless Dry Cleaning Sanitary Steam Pressing Hats Cleaned and Blocked Highest Made-to-Measure Clothes We Guarantee All Work TMI Fashion Shop Both Phones 19 Green St. Xenia, Ohio Instrument The World's Greatest Artists Have Chosen Could you ask a safer guide? Cer- tainly no one is bet- te: qualified to judge a musical in- strument. They know music. Their life-work is music. And Melba, McCormack, Caruso. Farrar, Galli-Curci, Gluck, Homer, and a host of other world-famed artists have chosen the Victrola to carry their superb art on Victor Records exclusively to all the world. Victors and Victrolas $10 to $400. Call and let us give you a demonstration Victrolas R.D.Adair 81 XENIA, OHIO