1920 Cedrus Yearbook
1920 The Student Body of Cedarville College OSMOPOLITAN in composition and in its attitude toward human- ity, is the characterization ofthe Student Body of Cedarville Col- lege. In it are representatives of the Mongolian, Negro and Caucasian Races,coming from Shanghai,Prince Edward Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky,Illinois, Arkansas and New Mexi co, all mem- bers of the "Middle Class" the bulwark of Civilization. Their purpose in securing a college education is to fit themse lves for more efficient service to their fellowmen. Their reasons for c oming to Cedarville College were;that they had seen the part played by t he gradu- ates of Cedarville College;they were told of the standard of work demanded at this instistution and of its standing with the leading univer sities in the United States; they had heard of the capability and Of the character of the professors. Hence, it was the natural conclusion, that at different in- tervals each member of this student body decided that Cedarv ille was the college for him or for her. The aim of each student is modified by his conception of college life and this in turn affects the spirit of the student body. The four years spent in college, to some, is a time when the social in stinct is developed to a greater extent; this manifests itself throughout the year s in the class rivalry spreads, weiner roasts, early morning breakfasts and pair meet- ings, the more dignified receptions of the various orga nizations and the annual reception of our president and his wife, Dr. and M rs. McChesney. Then there are the sporting activities; the favorites in Cedarville are basketball, tennis and baseball. The spirit that per meates these contests whether they be inter-class or inter-collegiate is "Fair play," "Take every fair advantage to win" and "Be a good loser." To the others, a college education is the adding to or cramming into their storage each day some new truth. Cedarville College Student Body boasts of a happy blending of social activity and classroom work. But the aim of the St udent Body is—A Larger and Better Cedarville—satisfaction with existing co nditions means stagnation and stagnation means death to all advanceme nt. Though laud- ing the virtues of our College, yet we are cognizant of he r weak points and because of our love for her, we strive to reach our aim. Cedarville College is a Christian College and every member of her student body is a Christian. The teachipgs of the Chri st are emphasized, for we believe that the teachings of the Great Teacher will neutralize and destroy selfishness, the obstacle in the way of human advancement.— R.N.C. 6
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