1920 Cedrus Yearbook

1920 EDWIN BRADFUTE, Vice-President. RALPH RIFE, Treasurer HAROLD HAMMOND, Secretary MORTON CRESWELL, PreSidCnt The Y. M. C. A. is an influence for good among the boys of Cedar- ville College. The members feel that the meetings have been very in- teresting. Especially strong were the missionary appeals given by Dr. and Mrs. White in connection with the relating of their missionary ex- perience in Egypt. There were quite a few of the boys in attendance at the Y. M. C. A. conference in Springfield last fall. All of the lectures were very in- teresting and the boys came back with a desire to solve some of the campus problems. Our Association was represented at the Student Volunteer Confer- ence at Des Moines, Iowa, during the Christmas vacation, by Dwight McKune and Wilbur White. The conference was a great inspiration to all present and the boys came home full of enthusiasm for promoting the interests of the Association. May the present be only the beginning of greater work to be done in the future. The officers for next year were elected in April and they are as fol- lows: President, Robert W. Stewart; Vice President, Paul W. Duncan; Secretary, James C. Kyle; Treasurer, Charles E. Brown. R. W.S. 61