1920 Cedrus Yearbook
1920 THE CRITERION A STORE FOR DAD AND THE BOYS MEN'S,YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS STETSON HATS MANHATTAN SHIRTS XENIA, OHIO Mary Flanagan: "Alice that is Professor Rea. I ne‘tr heard any one use so many long words." Alice Lackey:"Yes;the trouble with her is she uses twin-six words to express one-cylinder ideas." Miss Brand (in rhetoric):"Rewrite the following sentence:'He gave me a flower which was wilted." Eloise Davis: "He gave me a flower and I wilted." "Are you fond of Kipling?" queried Ralph Rife of Elizabeth D ean. "I really don't know," blushed Elizabeth. "I've never kippled." Miss Brand: "In writing stories for children, my lad, yo u should write so that the most ignorant can understand." Cecil Rife: "Yes, mam, what part of it don't you get?" OSTERLY MILLINERY 37 Green Street, Xenia, Ohio All Occasions' Hats for Women and'Children Prices to suit every Purse THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PITTSBURGH, PA. Founded by the General Assembly, 1825 A Seminary for College Graduates. A comple te, modern theological curriculum, with elective co urses leading to the degree of B. D. offered to studen ts. Graduate courses:of the University of Pitts burgh, leading to degrees,of A. M. and Ph. D., are op en to properly qualified students of the Seminary. Excep- tional library facilities. A new dormitory equipped with latest modern improvements. Social hall, gymnasium, a nd stu- dents' commons. Next term opens Sep t. 21,1920. For information apply to President JAMES A. KELSO, Ph.D., D.D. 94
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