1920 Cedrus Yearbook

1920 STOP AND GET BEST GOODS AT BEST PRICES SPOT CASH W.W.Troute Grocery Co. CEDARV11,1.1-E, OHIO WHEELER Pllotograplyr fireen Street Xenia, Ohio OLD RELIABLE MEAT MARKET Where you can get the Choicest cuts of Beef, Veal, Fresh Pork or Smoked Meats • Ellen Weimer Cedarville, Ohio Jack: "I met Frank last night. He told me he was on his way to propose to the prettiest girl in town." Marjorie: "The fibber! He didn't come near me." Mrs. Bradfute: "Helen, you'd better not go to the party this wet night; your rubbers leak." Helen: "That's all right mother! I've got pumps inside of 'em." Our Goalfor 1920 Seventy-five Freshmen