1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1 921 THE SOPHOMORES President WILBUR W. WHITE Secretary and Treasurer , MARJORIE WRIGHT Class Colors: Gold and White Class Flower:Buttercup HE Sophomore Class still remains the largest in Cedarville College. Its members are always looked to by the rest of the college for the musical programs, for the star actors and actresses, for managing the basket ball games, and for the best yellers in school. Even the Faculty, wishing to have a very interesting meeting, call for some of our members. We can best show our might by the fact that the poor Freshies have been so scared they have never had one spread within five miles of town, and even at one of those they did not get their machines fixed until morning. And tell me,please, where would our wonderful girls' basketball team, of which we are all so proud, be if not for our star basket shooter, "Flos- sie," our fast guards,"Cheese and Marj.," whom we are thinking seriously of using as tackles on the football team, and our tall centers,"Chris." and Ruth? Every one in the college is now especially interested in the cam- paign for better athletics for next year, and look who are chosen from the student body to represent them in this great work!—two sophomores. No other class in college can boast of a married couple, and of southern gi rls. In spite of all our class rivalry we will always be ready to help out poor little Freshies, to help push along the Juniors that they may become "mighty" Seniors, and help the Seniors keep their dignity long enough to graduate, trying on the whole to do our best to make Cedarville a bigger and better College. M. Mc. 24