1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1 921 ROY FREDERICK INSLEY Usually known as "Roy" Hobby—Getting up spreads. "An equal mixtureof good hu- mor and good sense." LILLIAN ALICE DAINES Just "Tommy" Hobby—Reading mythology. "A good sensible maiden whose duty combines with pleasure." WILLARD H.KYLE Always "Willard" Hobby—Breaking the speed limit. "Strange to say.,he wears a bash- ful look." MARGARET ELIZABETH MCCARTY She's our "Peg" Hobby—Keeping the 11 o'clock rule. "She makes a: bright and cheer- ful chum." HARRY DALLAS WRIGHT Everybody calls him "Shorty" Hobby—Dribbling the ball to C.C.'s basket. "Life is short and so am I." DAVID CECIL RIFE Everybody says "Cece" Hobby—Being funny. "He who scorns a maid, must die a 'Bach'." RALPH LEROY RIFE He is just "Ralph" Hobby—Doing his level best. "Quiet, yet reliable, with hidden strength beneath." 29