1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1 921 3 THE CEDARVILLE COLLEGE GAZETTE the students are simply appalling. The crowning proof of their perfidy and apostacy is the apotheosis of 'truth.' Obstinately refusing to be governed by authority, they wilfully insist upon facts: They refuse to acknowledge the self-evident truth that the opinions once established by the ancients are neces- sarily superior to anything that can now be evolved. In those days the pro- cess of thinking wa3 infinitely simpler than now. The ancients could go right ahead and do their thinking untroubled by logic, science or facts (for such things had not yet been invented) and hence arrive unerringly at incontroverti- ble conclusions, which from henceforth and forever should constitute the sum of human wisdom and knowledge. See- ing that these things cannot be denied, students in all ages_ ought humbly and thankfully to accept them and go on their way rejoicing. But this the stu- dents of Cedarville College will not do. Students have been known to dare to ask questions of their teachers, and once or twice it has been reliably reported that a student differed from an opinion expressed in a text-book. Nay, even, it is tmerted that the professors, to whom 50 has been committed the sacred duty of safe-guarding the precious accumula- tions of the past from the sacrilegious and iconoclastic spirit of the present, tamely acquiesce and excuF..e themselves for their supine attitudeby saying that their duty is to teach their students to think! What folly! Oh, for the old- time pedagogue whose thunderous ipso dixit none durst question! "Brethren and Sistern, it is evident that something must be did. We com- mend the institution to your tender mer- cy, and recommend clemency. Larger numbers of students are flocking to the college, enticed no doubt by the alluring character of the aforementioned vices that prevail there. Oh, the times and the morals! It will be sufficient, in our humble opinion, if this attendance is reduced. Mild and gentle measures are always best. We recommend that all students who even dream of attending Cedarville College be immediately put to death. If this be done, we doubt not but that the crying evils complained of above will at least be mitigated and we shall have to look elsewhere for trouble. "Respectfully submitted by, YOUR COMMITTEE."