1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1 921 yelled wildly for just one more basket but it seemed as if their pleadings were not going to be heeded. Steve ran after the ball in the last part of the second half and a big Chafin guard ran into him with all of his force. This knocked Steve down and he hit the floor with ,a loud thud. Captain Billy called time out and all the Fox Hill players ran over to him after they saw that he did not get up. He was stunned by the blow. After cold water was thrown on him he came to and the first thing he heard was the call from the stands: "Fight, Fox Hill! Fight, Fox Hill! Fight, Fox Hill! Fight, Fight, Fight!" All at once Steve's muscles began to throw off their slowness at rising. His head cleared. He asked same one how long there was yet to play. They told him forty seconds. Forty seconds more and the score still against them! The coach whispered something in his ear, but he did not hear him. He went back into the game with new vigor. The ball was tossed up. The Chafin center got the knock-off, as he had almost every time throughout the game. He knocked it toward Steve'.9 forward but Steve jumped high in the air and got the ball. There was a Chafin guard in front of him but by a clever dribble he got past him, and now none of the Chafin players were be- tween him and the basket. He was not much of a basket shooter, but both of the forwards were being closely guarded, and that ball had to go through the net. He took careful aim and shot. The ball went high into the air, fell on the side of the basket, and, after spinning around the hoop, dropped through. The Fox Hill rooters went mad. Steve's overworked muscles refused to act any longer. He dropped to the floor. Captain Billy called time out, and a "sub" was put in for the few remaining seconds, but the time was too short for Chafin to score. The final whistle blew with the score of 11 to 10 in Fox Hill's favor. The game was won for 'Fox Hill and Steve was the hero. Steve soon recovered consciousness in the dressing room. The coach was standing over him, and the team was gathered around him. "Boys," he said, "I know now what school spirit is, and I have it." (Awarded first prize by Reviewing Committee). 57