1921 Cedrus Yearbook

1 921 FACTS AND ACTS OF THE SEMINARY EPTEMBER, 1920, saw the beginning of the eighth year of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Cedarville; and, also the one-hundred-and-tenth anniversary of its organization, which was accomplished at Philadelphia in 1810. But with all honor and regard for the Past, and especially for those pioneers whose recognition of the need of a trained ministry and of the Power Who pro- vides that ministry enabled them to conceive and to carry out plans for this institution, we wish to suggest some of the activities of the 1920-21 per- sonnel. May those who laid the foundation have builded better than they knew. With the loss of two of last year's class by graduation (we trust our loss is the world's gain) and the addition of a new member, this body now numbers fourteen, one of whom is absent because of illness. In addition to those who are preparing for the ministry at home and abroad, a number of students from the collegiate department are taking seminary subjects. After the Christmas vacation the organization began a very important work. According to pre-arranged plans, we proceeded to act upon the responsibility and privilege which had come to us, and are now engaged in teaching sixteen large Sabbath School Classes of boys and girls in the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home at Xenia. This is made possible through the assistance of students from the Collegiate Department who act as teachers or substitutes. The mutual respect and love of Bible Study is of increasing benefit to teachers and classes. We are indebted to Dean McChesney for help on the Sabbath School lessons, given in his splendid Saturday evening lectures. Seven o'clock A. M., on Friday, does not sound like a favorable hour for a meeting, but it is nevertheless a customary one for the weekly de- votional meeting of the organization; these are "times of refreshing." Most of the students are doing regular or occasional preaching at various points in Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania. During the past sum- mer vacation several did missionary work in Kentucky, Michigan and New Mexico. May we lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes. C. E. B. 59