1921 Cedrus Yearbook
1 921 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION E feel that the Young Men's Christian Association has meant a great deal to Cedarville College men this year. All the men came back last Fall, deeply interested and the attendance and interest was fine. Toward Spring the attendance began to decrease some but we feel that by every one making himself a missionary along this line that such a thing will never happen again.(After Christmas vacation we divided the Association up into three groups and there was quite a bit of discussion in these groups which was of interest to all present.) These groups were led by Dwight McKune, Wilbur White and Carl Duncan.(At the beginning of the year the Cabinet had Y. M. C. A. membership cards printed and each member was given a card that would entitle him to visitors' privileges in any Y. M.C. A.in the world. Therefore,in summing up, we who have been regular in attendance at the meetings feel that we have been greatly benefitted and have been brought closer to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.) The officers for next year are as follows: Edwin Bradfute, President, Charles Townsley, Vice President; Arthur Findley, Secretary; Riley Clarke, Treasurer. R. W.S. 65'
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