1921 Cedrus Yearbook

Y 1921 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE YESTERDAY ESTERDAY, twenty-seven years ago, Cedarville College was but a dream. September 19, 1894, the fulfilment of the dream began. A rented house for quarters, a faculty of five, thirty-six students, a plot of ground, a nest-egg of $20,000 for endowment, and a literary society—the Philadelphian—with these the dream began to be realized. The next year brought the present College Hall, the planting of the campus, sixty students, football, tennis, baseball and another literary society—the Philosophic. In 1902 came the Alford Gymnasium. In 1905 Andrew Carnegie's gift was received and the new Carnegie Library was entered in 1908. The Y. M. C. A. was organized in 1907, and the Y. W. C. A. in 1909. The Theological Seminary was added in 1913. In 1915, the first president, Rev. David McKinney, D. D., LL. D., after twenty-one years of faithful, pioneer service, resigned. He was succeeded 8