1922 Cedrus Yearbook
The Y. M. C. A. T HE Young Men's Christian Association of Cedarville College was organized in 1906. Since that time the aim of building up the three-fold nature of men—body, mind, and spirit—has been held high. The increased number of boys in our student body this year has brought new life into the meetings held each Wednesday morning. We are glad to state that a good majority of the boys have united with us in our Association, and in our at- tempts to be of mutual helpfulness. We are certainly thankful for this evidence of consecration on the part of many of the boys. The growth of this spirit has been greatly augmented by the inspiring and helpful talks that have been brought to us from time to time. Rev. Vinton E. Busier, who is a friend of every boy in the College, brought a message concerning the ^Prophets of the Old Testament." Rev. W. A. Vorhis, Pastor of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, Greenville, Ohio, brought a most helpful message to us, while he was in our midst conducting an evangelistic campaign. Mr. F. Guy Strickland, Lecturer and Preacher, explained to us somewhat the principles which must underlie "Limita- tion of Armament." And another speaker of merit, and one who has a heart full of love for every student of Cedarville College, was Dr. J. Alvin Orr. He came to us twice in joint meetings of the Y. M. C. A.and Y. W.C. A. speaking on "Making Use of the Common Things of Life," and the "Problems of the Present Day." And Doctor, we surely do appreciate those heart-searching and soul-strengthening messages, so come again! The Y. M. C. A. Staff for the present year is as follows: President, J. Edwin Bradfute; Vice President, M. Earle Collins; Secretary, Arthur W. Findley; and Treasurer, Riley W.Clarke. E. D. M. 74
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