1923 Cedrus Yearbook


Cedarville College Library Cedarville, Ohio

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V• 'L1l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M =LS7 -3 --. TO THAT CEDARVILLE COLLEGE CHUM WHO HAS BEEN THE COMPANION OF MANY HAPPY DAYS AND WHO IN YEARS TO COME WILL EVER BE THE CLOSEST TIE TO COLLEGE LIFE THE STAFF OF NINETEEN-TWENTY-THREE LOVINGLY DEDICATES THIS VOLUME OF THE CEDRUS L-= E.-= :7E3

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THE COMING CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Cedarville College has an ambitious future. Its ambition is worthy of your support. The plan is to have within a few years a standard Christian college. That means an endowment of at least $300,000, or $170,000 more than Cedarville now has. There will be twelve instead of seven regular collegiate professors beside the president. A girls' and a boys' dormitory,and a gymnasium; or three buildings in addition to the present buildings, to cost at least $160,000, will have to be erected. A total sum of $330,000 must be raised to meet the requirements of a standard college. A standard college for Cedarville means that Cedarville College will be admitted into full membership in the Ohio Association of Colleges, the American Association, and the North Central Association. The boys and girls of this community deserve as good collegiate advantages and opportunities as the youth of any other community in the world. Cedarville College has done enough for the people of this community to become the recipient of every dollar which every respectable citizen can give to increase the endowment. Every citizen having the welfare of this community at heart can advance its interests in the highest and truest sense by contributing annually and liberally to the endowment fund of Cedarville College. Cedarville College is now a community college. Work and give to make it the equal, at least, of any other reputable Christian college in America. Give yearly as much as you can spare to Cedarville College. Take an annuity at from 5 to 7 per cent, according to your age and tax free and absolutely safe, in Cedarville College. Remember Cedarville College in your will. Get your wealthy friends to give. The supreme need of the college is endowment and buildings. The last drive in 1921 for funds did not nearly reach the need. Every friend of the college must rise and rise NOW to meet the needs of Cedarville College. This means the alumni, former and present students, patrons, the church, and the community in and around Cedarville. Resolved now that from this time on, you will be one to contribute yearly all that you can and that you will also do all you can to enlist the help of others, until Cedarville College shall become a standard college and its permanence and worth shall be assured. W.R. MCCHESNEY. 6


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OUR FACULTY In our utilitarian age things are judged by their practical value. Men ask of everything,"What is its use?" Nothing is held to be without criticism, neither the law because of its authority, nor religion because of its sacredness. Every relationship in life has also been questioned and is asked to show the reason for its existence. On the whole it is a good spirit,though it can be abused and carried to an absurd extreme. When we judge a thing by its usefulness we must not have a narrow view of what utility is. Usefulness to man is not confined to mere material values. The things which cannot be bought cannot be sold, and the keenest valuer would be puzzled to put a price on some of these unmarketable wares. One of the priceless possessions to us as students is the spirit of fellowship and helpfulness which is manifested by our splendid faculty. Youth is the formative period of lifeand the friendships and ideals of our professors will go with us through our lives. The guidance and companionship of these faithful ones who watch over us, guiding stars in our college careers, will be invaluable as we look back over our Memory Book of old Cedarville College. We cannot pay a tribute high enough to this band of noble men and women presided over by our beloved president, Dr. McChesney. Their office in their chosen profession is as high as that of the poet Wordsworth, when he said: "I wish to be considered as a teacher to console the afflicted, to add sunshine to daylight by making the happy, happier; to teach the young and gracious of every age to see,to think and feel, and thereforr; to become more actively and securely virtuous." RUTH MC. 14

W.RENWICK MCCHESNEY,PH. D., D. D. President 15

B. E. ROBISON Dean and Registrar Professor of Economics and Sociology A. B., University of Chicago 1904 B. D., University of Chicago 1906 W. RENWICK MCCHESNEY President Professor of Psychology, Oratory, Greek A. B., Franklin College 1892 A. M., Franklin College 1894 Ph. D., Franklin College 1906 D, D., Tarkio College 1915 16 -JIMENEL

FRANK ALBERT JURKAT Treasurer Professor of Modern Languages, Hebrew and History A. B., Franklin College 1895 A. M., Franklin College 1898 LL. D., Franklin College 1917 17 ETHEL BLANCHE BRAND Secretary of Faculty Professor of English and French A. B., Indiana University 1919

FLORENCE E. SOMERS Professor of Mathematics and Education A. B., Cedarville 1917 18 M.L. FRASER Professor of Science A. B., Wittenberg 1915 A. M., Wittenberg 1922 Jinift.

REV. W.P. HARRIMAN Seminary A. B., Cedarville 1912 Western Seminary, Pittsburgh 1915 19 40416SARAH J. PORTER Preparatory Department B. S., Tufts College 1922

' EMMA LOU SNOW Director of Department of Music Graduate of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music 20 CHESTER P. WARNER Director of Physical Education A. B., Ohio Wesleyan 1922

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MRS. JOHN PRESSLEY WHITE Lecturer on Christian Missions ELOISE DAVIS Assistant in English MARY ERVIN WILLIAMSON Librarian MRS. CLARA MORTON Club Cateress DAVID WILLIAMSON Janitor of Library JOHN C. GRINDLE Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds 9') I ' 11111mh,

- , BOOK III - - THE CLASSES ,) mor$ 23 .A••••..-

cic President, EARLE COLLINS Vice-President, ELOISE DAVIS Secretary and Treasurer, MARJORIE MCCLELLAN RETROSPECT 1923 Seated around the blazing campfire on the old Indian Mound, attending the last feed that we would have as students of Cedarville College, we traced our college life from the fall of '19 when we w ere supreme in our little world as Freshmen; on as we gained a wider knowledge of earthly affairs as Sophomores; broadening out and developing into full-fledged men and women, as Juniors; and lastly our Senior year, when a deeper sense of responsibility gripped us. As we sat gazing into the glowing embers our fancies seemed to cluster about the friendships formed and the good fellowship we enjoyed, rat her than upon the honors we received. A class spirit, loyal and affectionate,takes the place of the old factional feeling. In the silence a glowing log rolls off the fire, casting a shower of golden embers in a glowing haze over the group. A wreath of smoke slowly rises in a never-ceasing promenade upward. Suddenly the smoke blurs and a succession of faces appear, then incidents follow quickly, one upon the other, before our reminiscing visions until the entire days of our college lives are unfolded. We were forty-nine strong when we entered college; forty-nine wrapped in the expectation of their futures, which were to be so closely linked with the future of a greater Cedarville College. A billow of smoke suddenly unfolds itself before our vision. 24 lir

We see that first class election, our first realization that we were students in Cedarville College, taking the first step in what was to be the foundation of a career. Within a few days our fiery blood demanded action, and the girls' watermelon feed was transformed into a free-for-all, Freshies vs. Uppers. Again we were brought together by watermelon feeds, corn roasts and truck rides. We often afforded the Sophomore class some belated hours, especially when we broke into Shaw's kitchen and stole the eats the night of their mock wedding. Well do we remember the first reception that we attended at Dr. McChesney's, which heralded our entrance into the butter-fly class. Spring brought with it many picnics, hikes and breakfasts. Cedar Day completed the year's festivities. The logs smoulder and die; we put on another and in a moment the flames are gaily crackling. Our visions continue. We are now Sophomores. The R.P. Church reception was held as usual on the First Friday night and this time we shone in a more dignified manner. This year, too, was chucked full of thrilling events. The big annual spread at Shaw's terminated in a ham and egg feed this year rather than a chicken feed as last year. Our athletes began to make their prominent appearances and several of our number took leading parts in, "What Happened to Jones." Again we renew the fire. The vision is a startling one; we find ourselves mature. We are Juniors. We elected Earle Collins, President; Marjorie McClellan, Secretary. As Juniors we have our duties before us; some busy in athletics, or dramatics, and still others with the Rangers' club. The Junior class play,"Stop Thief," was a raving success. And to cap the climax of all social activities, the Junior-Senior banquet which we engineered, was held at the Bancroft Hotel, Springfield. We guided the Class of '22 safely through their commencement activities. The fire still burns and burns; the glow brings us to the realization that we are now Seniors, still busy fitting and preparing for our "commencement which only spells" the beginning for us. In a few weeks we separate,each member will go his own way,mingle with the busy world and do his part completing the history of a great nation. May the ideals learned at Cedarville College help to mold our futures into bright and happy ones. F.S. & M.W. 25 -t,

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT In the Name of God, Amen:—We,the Senior Class of Cedarville College in the year 1922-1923, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this our Last Will and Testament, in order to as justly as we may distribute our interests in Cedarville College, the village of Cedarville, and in college life, among succeeding young men and women who shall be students as we have been. WITNESS: First, That part of our interests which is known in the law and recognized in the sheep-bound volumes as property, being almost inconsiderable, we hesitate to make any account of it. Yet on the other hand, realizing that our dear Prof. Jurkat, long.Treasurer of the College has no safe in which to keep all the valuable papers entrusted to his care, we are glad to bequeath to him the safe we so highly prized because of its ability to "STOP THIEF." Second: Our right to be Seniors being granted to us only once and for the period of one year, it is not ours to bequeath that privilege. However, we do bequeath to the Junior Class, and to other classes in their annual turn the attitude of making the last year in Cedarville College one of pleasure and profit to all. Third: We give to succeeding classes the right to vie with each other for the honor of having the most"pep" and originality, yet charging them always to remember that the qualities of ladies and gentlemen are expected from students of Cedarville College. Fourth: We bequeath to the members of other classes the right to be leaders in the various sports and activities of student life, such as spreads, skating parties, class plays and mid-night parades, reminding such members that youth and the spirit of jollification do not remove the boundaries of the rights of good, upright citizens who are more loyal in answering the summons to Morpheus'realm. Fifth: We leave to our successors the privilege of sitting about in the camp-fire circle on old Indian Mound and fashioning castles in the curling wreaths of smoke which rise from the dying embers, or of gathering in any other place where they may muse on what the future holds in store. Sixth: We leave to our successors the right to go out into the broader walks of life seeking to make the world better, and purer, and a finer place in which to live, even as we are trying to do. And, lastly, we leave to our Professors and Instructors in old Cedarville College our very best wishes and a double portion of our good will, asking them only to continue being kind and helpful to students who come under their care and instruction. (SIGNED) SENIORS OF 1922-1923. E.D. Mc. 26

FAREWELL By E. D. McKuNE, Valedictorian of the Class To you, our Alma Mater, we must now say Farewell. The parting of the ways has come at last. Your task has about been completed. Be it successful or not remains to be proved by what we are able to do. Whatever we may fail to do,however, we cannot blame you. We came to you as mere Freshmen,four years ago, and we yielded ourselves to your protecting care. We, doubtless, gave you lots of trouble for we were a group of young folks full of energy and enthusiasm, but we have forgotten all such things and are sure you have done so, too. Under your tutelage and instruction our outlook has been cleared and our horizon has been broadened so that now we no longer see things in the realm of self, but rather we see ourselves in a world of real men and women coping with real problems. We have submitted to the guiding influence of our Alma Mater until our former ideas of merely fitting ourselves to make a living have changed to the far greater and grander idea of making a life that is worth while. We enjoy life now, not by making ourselves a nuisance, but in making ourselves helpful to others. So all our mistakes and grievances, we are sure, you'll forget and forgive as we leave you now. Going out to a life, not new but only more full and complete, we are sure we will appreciate the foundation principles laid down in our lives. Too, we will appreciate the kindly interest with which our careers will be followed. Nor, will we soon forget the days in the halls of old Cedarville College. As we go from state to state,from clime to clime,from sea to sea, we will be wishing for our Alma Mater many things. Among these would be listed the desire for an ever-deepening and widening circle of radiating influence from her sacred walls, and many loyal sons and daughters to bear tribute to the institution. May the studies become as much a joy as the social pastimes, and may the athletic contests be greater and better each year in that phase of college life which they fill. In fact, our Good-bye wish for Cedarville College is that she may become the biggest and best college in all the land, and may her heritage be the honor of fitting Christian young men and women for LIFE. So say the "SENIORS OF TWENTY-THREE." (Valedictorian of the class was chosen by the faculty on a basis of grades at the end of the first semester of this year.) 27

MARJORIE WRIGHT Cedarville, Ohio Arts, Education "First you see her, then you don't, She'll be naughty,then she won't." EDWIN D. McKuNE Bellefontaine, Ohio Arts, Diploma from Seminary "Wise, grave, and dignified." FLORENCE E. SMITH Cedarville, Ohio Arts, Education "Not a star but a comet. Her position in the constellation of students and athletes is well assured." 28

ROBERT W. STEWART Coulterville, Illinois Arts, Diploma from Seminary "A business man of the day; very, very busy." MARY L. FLANAGAN Cedarville, Ohio Arts, Education "She knows that nothing is impossible to diligence and skill." ARTHUR CECIL EWBANK Cedarville, Ohio Arts "/ vow that my life for me is one long snap." 29

RUTH E. SHAW Yellow Springs, Ohio Arts, Education "She is a queen of athletes." M. EARLE COLLINS Cedarville, Ohio Arts, Education "Come storm and tempest of life Ye shall ne'er ruffle my calm and staple soul." MARY ELOISE DAVIS Cedarville, Ohio Arts, Education "None knew thee but to love thee, None named thee but to praise." 30 -1411111iIIIIIIIiiiIi•

JAMES C. KYLE Cedarville, Ohio Arts "Your modesty Jim is all in vain; True worth cannot be hidden." ALICE K. LACKEY Cedarville, Ohio Arts, Education "Her perfection in everything she undertakes is a joy to the class in which she recites." MARJORIE D. MCCLELLAN Joplin, Missouri Arts, Education "For nature made her what she is and never made another." 31

ERNEST WRIGHT Xenia, Ohio Arts, Education "A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays and confident tomorrows." IDA E. REES Camden, Ohio Arts, Education "She just kinda looks good-natured at a sour old world." OLA MAY STANLEY Arts "Mistress of her ways, she is never anything but frank." 82

ALBERTA HEMPHILL Coulterville, Illinois Diploma in Music "The mildest manner with the bravest mind." PAULINE COLLINS Cedarville, Ohio Diploma in Music "She's a bonnie and a cannie lassie, conquering many with her charming smile." WILLARD BARLOW Cedarville, Ohio Diploma in Music With his music he drives dull care away." 88


President, DONALD WICKERHAM Secretary, CHRISTINA KYLE Treasurer, HARPER BICKETT JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY Freshman days have passed long ago, but we like to recall beginnings of college life, entirely strange to most of us; the unfamiliar faces that met our glances which sometimes bespoke us "greenies." However we soon found our places and became easily accustomed to college life. We could not be happy without some good times nor could the upper classmen be content unless we afforded them the opportunity of some sport at our expense. At our first two spreads, we were too fleet for the Sophs but the fleetness wore off and our machines were quite disturbed in the field across from Glass's. We were not pursued to our happy Thanksgiving spread in Spring Valley. Not all our members returned to us the next year but the class though smaller was just as much alive. Again the Juniors, feeling indignant at us for having escaped their barber's tool,"swiped" one of our machines from Bickett's lane. Examinations had been thrust upon us and we celebrated their completion by a chicken supper at Johnson's. The last semester of the second year passed very, very quickly and we became Juniors long before we were willing. Again we were destined to lose some of our members and there are now just fifteen left. But though we are few in numbers, we are still that happy class that entered college in '20. We have had our spreads, at Kyle's, at Williams' and have cemented our friendships with the Seniors by the last Junior-Senior spread at Johnson's. We have had our good times and our hard luck and are now planning for hard work on our Junior Class Play. We expect to treat the Seniors loyally and to banquet them in the spring. T. M.D. 35

JUNIOR CLASS POEM Here's to the Juniors of Old C. C.! We're as jolly and as happy as can be: When once you hear our laughter, And the noise of youthful chatter You can't help but have a sense of jubilee. For wisdom we can't be beat. We're the brightest that you ever will greet: And I'm sure you would agree If all our "A's" you'd see, We're the sort that professors like to meet. We're not wild—but we are game, Never would we mar our name. We are the pride of old C. C., And ne'er slothful will we be, For we're destined for great Fame. Asfor talents we are just fine, We are found in every line. Orators, players and great athletes, While on the stage we can't be beat, And our singing's sure divine. So, Hail to the Class of'24! Our equal you will meet ne'er more. When the next year rolls around We shall each one have a crown? And be ushered with triumph through the old College door. LUCINDA CASKEY. 36

HAROLD MYERS Cedarville, Ohio On his brow nature has written "gentlemen." LUCINDA CASKEY Cedarville, Ohio Thy modesty's a candle to thy merit. LUCILLE JOHNSON Cedarville, Ohio Her accomplishments are as a rainbow, numerous with great variety of blends and colors. MARION STORMONT Cedarville, Ohio A genius who shines in all his classes. :37

JOHN WAITE Canonsburg, Pennsylvania A court jester, filled with "quips and cranks and wanton wiles." DONALD WICKERHAM Belle Center, Ohio From ukelele, mouth, and nose, Much music from our Don arose. HAZEL WILLIAMS Cedarville, Ohio Hazel breaks all speed limits in recitations, That is, especially on the day she recites. RICHARD ELDER Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania I know I can love some woman madly, If only someone loved me. 38

HARPER BICKETT Xenia, Ohio Harper is a boy who endeavors to please, To the entrance of learning he holds all the keys. CHRISTINE KYLE Cedarville, Ohio Chris is one o' them things that looks brightest on a rainy day. THELMA DEACON Xenia, Ohio Thelma adores the first letter of the alphabet, That is what she works for and that is what she gets. LA CLEDE MARKLE New Castle, Pennsylvania He's the kind of a fellowyou like to meet after a Thanksgiving dinner, he's as crisp as a mint. 39

President, WALKER TAYLOR Vice-President, JOHNNY DAVIS Secretary and Treasurer,PAULINE COLLINS SOPHOMORE CLASS HISTORY We,the Class of '25, took our great plunge from high school into college, with all its strangeness and newness, much as a small boy who is thrown into a shallow pool for his swimming lesson. As a good start for co-eds, we readily made a name for ourselves as Freshmen. Even if the upperclassmen did interfere, our first Freshmen Spread caused quite a splash in the pool. Then people took notice, and when a leading man was wanted for the Annual College Play, all eyes turned to Walker Taylor, the noted Freshman Thespian. In our Sophomore year we returned with new vigor and enthusiasm. In athletics the Class of '25 supplies some shining lights in football and boys'and girls' basketball. We also have the unique honor of claiming the captains of these three main sports. We are well represented in all college activities; literary, athletic, musical, dramatic, religious and social. Our scholarship is high and we are trying to keep it so. We believe the best all-round student to be the one who is interested in all college affairs, including social activities, but one who does not allow outside affairs to interfere with his studies. We are very proud of our class organization, and believe we can accomplish much with our capable officers and loyal members. We are ambitious for our college; we are also ambitious for ourselves individually but more than this, we are working hard to fulfill our highest ambition, that this Class of '25 shall be ready to plunge into life with its difficulties to be faced and overcome. RUTH MC. 41

SOPHOMORE IDEALS -- OPERETTA Proem (With apologies to Mother Goose) "Where are you going, my pretty Soph?" "To Cedarville College, sir," she quoth. "As a Soph'more you're fortunate, Miss,for 'tis true That's the classiest class at old Orange and Blue." Strophe (with apologies to none) The New Year came; and passed our doors,— Still we continue Sophomores. We occupy as strange a position As those enforcing Prohibition. Or, as the Ancients 'tween the rocks We're doomed, on either hand,to knocks; We raise our heads for one glance'round— Where have we been? Where are we bound? Intermezzo Some laugh at us ("Mere Sophies, eh?") Who know the meaning of our name;— Yet wise and foolish both were they Whose records fill the halls of fame. Antistrophe Two decades hence still must we be Crude Sophomores as now you see With problems taxing mind and heart At loss to know and do our part While some among the tribe of men May need our hands,our tongues, our pens? God grant, ere lost'mid storm and strife, We each may find the goal for life: That even though our scope be small We'll seldom fail and never fall: That realizing we've a limit We'll touch and influence all that's in it. Postlude (With apologies to all) We may always know a little— We can never know it all— We may lay a brick or boulder, Though we never build the wall. C.B. 42


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President, PAUL EDWARDS HENRY KYLE THOMPSON ELDER Vice-President, Secretary, JUNE Treasurer, CLARA FRESHMAN CLASS HISTORY The Class of 1926 was born on September 13, 1922. It learned to walk the first day; in fact it could walk.before it could express itself very fluently in words. "Ma" Alma Mater and "Pop" Faculty were very proud of the new-comer, (especially at first) and, personally, we don't blame them; the Freshmen certainly did make a bright, if somewhat colorful, appearance. They "got together" on September 20,and formulated a very popular form of amusement in Cedarville, known as a "feed." This was held at Dorothy Tarr's, and everyone, including some Sophomores,enjoyed it. On December 7,the Faculty decided that the Freshies could go no longer without some form of organized rule, even if it had to be mob rule. As rulers, the following mob was chosen, (do not worry, gentle reader,the writers are now too far away to be in danger). President, Paul Edwards; Vice-President, Henry Kyle; Secretary, June Thompson; and Treasurer, Clara Edler. The Freshmen have been extremely active in athletics, furnishing about half of the football and basketball squads. The outlook for baseball is also very good. As in all classes, some like to study, and some don't. As an average, however,the writers feel safe in saying that we are far above the records set by any previous Freshmen class, even the illustrious (?) present Senior class. As individuals, we are merely cheerful, healthful, happy young men and women,ready to look anything in the eyes. Unlike most beings, we possess supernatural knowledge, we know when we are to die! This interesting event will probably take place June 8, 1923. There will be a host of mourners, for upon that day, three more of our number will ceaseto be: Brother Soph, Brother Junior, and Sister Senior! We wish 'em luck! H.E. R.—G. M.P. 46

THE BEST CLASS'S POEM On the hill beyond the river, Opposite the township schoolhouse, Stands the little red-brick college, Where the pupils green,the Freshmen, Gather to perform their duties. Big Chief Edwards heads the council. Next are Clara, June,and Henry, Who make rules and take the money. Bowyer, champion pigskin passer; Dovel, rivaling Valentino; Glass and Johnson, jovial room-mates; Hunt, who does not take things serious; Martha Beam, rotund and jolly; •Dickey Cooper, little shaver; Hastings, Dobbins, Mills, and Strobridge, Tarr and Anderson and Jurkat, From the school across the roadway; Gerren,from the Keystone country; Plummer, Hutchison,and Ater, Studious and unassuming; Harbison, Outram, and Cowgill, Silent, shy, but thinking deeply; Pete, who parks down on the Av'nue; Ray,a boy with high ambitions; Peters, caring naught for roll-call; Morrison,from colder regions; Nagley, player of the tom-tom; Two Smith boys, though no relation To the ones who make the cough-drops; White, who journeys from the Corn State; Hopper, ardent basket-baller; Betty, Chevrolet admirer; Murphy,talented musician; Crowell and Burbick, youngster members; Edna Collins, stately student; Mary Aggie, ever happy; Meahl and Spracklen, Stuckey, Louis, Make the list of girls completed; Pierson, earnest, quiet, friendly; Funk,who has a sense of humor; Walker,from the Armco city, Now complete the tribe of Freshmen— Freshmen, starting in last autumn To the little red-brick college Opposite the township schoolhouse On the hill beyond the river. "YANK" JURKAT. 47 14

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SEMINARY The Reformed Presbyterian Seminary, operating in conjunction with Cedarville College since 1913, opened in September with an enrollment of six students. Two more,taking partial courses, joining at the beginning of the second semester brings the total to eight. As usual, various denominations are represented in the enrollment, the advancement of Christ's Kingdom being always considered before that of "our church." The presence of the Seminary is a great aid to the moral and spiritual life of the College, and, while far from monopolizing religious leadership, the students of the Seminary stand as willing auxiliaries to all who are working for right and righteousness. While they are not free from many faults that are common to college students, they are with scarcely an exception,true at heart. The work of the Seminary is felt not only in the college and town, but also in the surrounding community where many of the students are employed in Bible teaching, preaching and mission work. At present the teaching force consists of the following: Rev. Wilbert R. McChesney, A.M., Ph.D., D.D. President of the College and Dean of the Seminary; Rev. F. A. Jurka,LL.D.; Rev. W.P. Harriman and Rev. B. E. Robison, B.D. The last two named are new members on the teaching force since last year. These men rank high in their qualifications as Seminary instructors. Dr. McChesney is apt, brilliant and scholarly; a man of wide and deep experiences. He is especially fitted as leader and counselor of the young men who are looking forward to Christian service, because of his consecrated life, plus an experience rich in the fruits of actual contact with college life for more than a quarter of a century. Rev. Jurkat is a gifted man of equal experience and represents a different type of Christian, but one no less consecrated and sincere. Rev. Harriman is pastor of the local Reformed Presbyterian Church and a strong Christian man,one who has made good in his particular field and is now ready to lend a helping hand to those who have like ambitions for service. While we regret very much to note that our beloved Professor Allen is no longer with us, we are on the other hand glad to announce that in his place we have Rev. Robison, who is a worthy successor of a worthy man. Mr. Robison possesses an unusual range of experience, having been long an active worker, under varied conditions, in both the home and foreign mission fields. Although not a member of the Reformed Presbyterian denomination his life and teachings commend him to all who have the mind of Christ. Under the instruction of men possessing such varied experiences and high ideals, no young person need graduate with a narrow or onesided conception of right and service. I. S. W. 53


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GRIDIRON NOTES FOR 1922 The efforts put forth by our former Coach, Blackburn, to develop a football team worthy of the name, were well worthwhile and the training he gave the footballers last season proved a valuable asset to the gridiron squad of 1922. Soon after the College doors were open in September,"Pop" Warner, our new Coach broadcasted the call for gridiron candidates to meet at Alford Memorial Gymnasium, there to receive uniforms and report for the first practice. Then the grilling practices began at once. Coach Warner realized that he must whip his gridiron warriors into condition hurriedly, owing to the fact that our first game,which promised to be a hard fight, was less than three weeks away. Coach Warner (early in the season called "Pop") began at once to instill the old pep and fighting spirit into the squad. The first game of the season was played with Dayton University, at Dayton, Ohio. In this game Cedarville was completely outclassed as can readily be seen by the score of 59-0. However this was the best team we met this season and was considered by football fans to be one of the first-class collegiate teams of the state. The next game was played a week later with our old rivals, "Antioch," at Yellow Springs, Ohio. In this game the team was handicapped considerably because of injuries received in the Dayton "U" game. The game was exciting the first half, the score being 0-0. Then Antioch slipped over 6 points in the third session, and in the final period they scored 13 more and Cedarville lost to the tune of 19-0. The third game of the season was played with Rio Grande on the home gridiron. In this game the score was 6-0 at the end of the third quarter and the home team was defeated again by a score of 19-0. This score was not at all satisfactory to the old C. C. grid warriors but it was quite an improvement over last year's score with Rio Grande which was more than twice 19. The fourth game of the season was played on the home field again, with Defiance College, of Defiance, Ohio. Defiance had a strong bunch of warriors and although we lost to them,the score being 18-0, we were not discouraged because the score was less than half that of the previous season. Cedarville played the last game at home and closed the season with a fitt ing climax by winning a decisive victory over Antioch. The score was 16-0. In this game Cedarville took an early lead and scored in the first, third, and fourth periods, completely outclassing the visiting team. Antioch made but one first down in the entire game and crossed the 50-yard line but once and then it was for a small gain of two yards. In general the brand of football played this year was an improvement over last year's efforts. Last year's experience improved several members of the squad, and the additions to the squad this year were also a valuable asset. Coach Warner is deserving of much credit for the improvement in the team,and his earnest and efficient efforts together with his loyal devotion is appreciated by each member of the "squad." The next season promises to be a hard but interesting one with games scheduled with Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio; Marshall College, Huntington, W. Va.; Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio; Rio Grande, at Gallipolis, Ohio, and also with our neighboring college and old rival, Antioch. Let's boost for a successful season in 1924. G. L. M. 58

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fr.- • SOn BASKET BALL One week after the closing of the foot ball season the call for basket ball was sounded. Some twenty-five or thirty men responded, and the early days were spent in hard drill and practice. The players left from the previous season were: Taylor, Curr ie, Collins, Davis, Arthur, Wright, Wickerham, and Markle. Though the season of last year was not a success,the men left were to be re-vamped into a successful and spirited team. "Pop" Warner had a real job in turning this group from an in dividual team into one of great team play, and he succeeded in wonderful style. Though the season opened with two defeats at the h ands of the Willis Business College, of Springfield, and the Boring-Yanks, of Xenia, the team did not lose spirit but profited by mistakes and came back strong. The third game was a victory over the Ohio Mechanics Institute, of Cincinnati, and the fourth was also a victory. The Omega Tau Psi Fraternity, of Springfield, were defeated . The two following games were lost to the Sabina Independents in an overtime engagement, and to our greatest rival, Antioch. Both games were of a high calibre but we were hardly in true form. A trip to Cincinnati resulted in two victories for Cedarville: The Cincinnati Gym was defeated, and the Ohio Mechanics Institute fell for the second time at the hands of Cedarville. Our team displayed real playing a bility in these two games and old Cedarville was proud. As though to take all the j oy out of life, we were again defeated by Antioch. Our boys were not up to form and all luck seemed to be against us. We then won a game from the Boring-Yank s and all was right again. The last game of the season was with the Ohio Nor thern University. This was one of the best games ever played by the Cedarville College team. The Northern team, though much larger and seasoned, was held to a 15 to 15 tie during the first half. In the second half our opponents were able to better us and we were defeated though not depressed. Great spirit was displayed throu ghout the game and the team fought hard to the end. The season as a whole was a success compared with previous standings in late years. The varsity and the substitutes, who deserve a great deal of credit, are congratulated upon their success in the effort to bring our record to a higher standing. The games and scores are as follows: Cedarville 25 Cedarville 21 Cedarville 42 Cedarville 22 Cedarville 42 Cedarville 15 Cedarville 14 Cedarville 27 Cedarville 29 Cedarville 14 Cedarville 22 Total 273 Willis Business College 38—At H ome Boring-Yanks 22—At Xenia Ohio Mechanics Institute 20—At Home Boring-Yanks 20—At Home Omega Tau Psi 13—At Home Sabina 17—At Sabina Antioch 27—At Antioch Cincinnati Gym 15—At Cincinnati Ohio Mechanics Institute 12—At Cincinnati Antioch 31—At Home 62 Ohio Northern 38—At Home Total 253 "PETE."


GIRLS' BASKET BALL SEASON Basket ball fans of Cedarville and vicinity open their eyes when they see an advertisement of a Cedarville girls' game. Why? Because they always appreciate a good clean game and know what they.like to see will be their privilege. We don't feel a bit egotistical when we say we think we have the best playing and best looking team to be found anywhere and I'm sure you will all agree, especially when you see them all "dolled up" in the new orange middies with which our college so kindly supplied them. Their looks do not surpass their athletic ability either for we boast a quick,speedy and winning team. Through the persistent efforts of Coach Warner the girls' team has been one of Cedarville College's bright shining lights this year, playing eight games and losing only two—Nuf Sed. It is useless to try to express our thanks to the team for the splendid work they did and to the college for the splendid backing they gave. So it is with great sorrow that we close our season this year for we realize what we will lose (in the way of basket ball players) when the Class of '23 leaves us. We wish you success and happiness whether it be in school teaching, in married life or more college work, and hope that some day we may have the privilege of seeing the team of '23 play again. B. GIFFORD. 64

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THE Y. W.C. A. The Young Women's Christian Association was organized April 8, 1909, through the efforts of Miss Agnes Jean Smith, then Professor of English, and Miss Helen Sewall, Student Y. M. C. A. Secretary at that time. The membership then consisted of all the girls in college and at present a majority of the girls are members. Weekly meetings are held on Wednesday. This year the organization has been very successful financially. Our greatest drive was election day, November 2, 1922. This we called Tag Day. The girls went downtown in groups selling tags to everyone they could see. We made about $100. This year we have attempted more work of a practical nature than we ever have before, and thus far have been successful. Ten Thanksgiving baskets were filled with all the bounties of the season, and distributed to all the needy of the village. The children of the poor families were remembered at Christmas with well-filled stockings. We feel that our meetings have been very successful and interesting this year. We are especially pleased with the interest which the girls have taken in the work and the active part they have taken in our weekly meetings. Altogether we feel that we have a very bright outlook and that we will be able to accomplish greater things than ever in the future. L. J. 67

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Y. M.C. A. There are three phases to every college education, in order that it may be a true education, namely; the Spiritual, the Mental, and the Physical. The Y. M. C. A. helps to complete the spiritual life of every student, in fact it was with this idea in mind that the present organization began its career some seventeen years ago. Since that time the Y. M. C. A. has grown in numbers, in works, and in spiritual uplift for every student. Although the attendance at the meetings held every Wednesday morning is not compulsory, yet the most of the boys feel it a duty as well as a privilege to attend such inspiring and helpful meetings. During the past year our organization has enjoyed a number of instructive as well as interesting addresses by various noteworthy people. Mr. H. L. Seamens, State Student Secretary, visited us shortly after school opened, giving us great encouragement for the coming year, as well as outlining the work for us, and delivering a fine address concerning his trip throughout Europe the past summer. We were also favored by fine messages from the local ministers, Rev. Harriman and Dr. White, of Cedarville, and Rev. Colman, of the Clifton Presbyterian Church. Each of these men delivered a scholarly and inspiring address. During the second semester, Mrs. J. P. White presented at four consecutive meetings of the Y. M.and Y. W.,a series of talks, using as her general topic,"INDIA." We are certainly very grateful to Mrs. White for these precious talks, delivered in her very pleasing and attractive manner. The regular meetings were led by various students, thus enabling each student to appear before a group of young men and direct their thoughts for that day. Although our Y. M.has not completed all the tasks which it set out to perform, yet we feel that it has passed another milestone with one of the most successful years in its history. The officers for the year 1922-1923 are: Donald Wickerham, President; Earle Collins, Vice-President; Gavin Reilly, Secretary; Arthur Findley, Treasurer. M.E. C. 68

IMMEMMIMmuMm.h, LE CERCLE FRANCAIS The past year has seen the rise of a new society in Cedarville College, Le Cercle Francais. The club has as members,students studying second and third-year French. The society meets once a month at the home of the various members. At the first meeting, officers for the first semester were chosen as follows: Marjorie Wright, President; Lulu Murphy, Vice-President; Pauline Collins, Secretary and Treasurer. The meetings of Le Cercle are carried on almost entirely in French. Programs consisting of plays, stories, studies of French life, and music are given. Games played in French are also enjoyed. The organization has a constitution stating its purpose. The emblem is the Fleur de Lis. The members of the society will soon be wearing very beautiful gold and silver pins as their emblem. The purpose of the club is to increase the knowledge and use of the French language. It is thought that much may be gained through the informal conversation which takes place and that if the proper interest is shown it will be equal in value to the formal recitation in the class-room. Aside from the cultural aspect, each is brought into association with students who are interested in the same work and thereby they derive much pleasure. The club sincerely hopes that this organization may be a permanent one, and may continue to be as much a benefit and pleasure to the future students of Cedarville College as it is to the present members. T. M. D. 69

THE CEDARVILLE COLLEGE CROWN CLUB The Crown Club was organized in 1920 and,its membership is growing with each passing year . It is the honor society of Cedarville College. Members are elected to this organization by the faculty when they reach a certain standard in scholarship. To date,the club has a membership of six of which on ly three, Lucille Johnson, Thelma Deacon, and Mari on Stormont are still in school. Other members are: Josephine Randall, Alice McKibben, and Helen Bradfute. There are several other students on t he eligibility list so the number will be increased at t he end of this year. M.F. S. 70

C.C. ORCHESTRA When college opened in the fall of '22, the faculty, realizing that the aesthetic qualities of college life can be fostered by musical organizations better, perhaps, than in any other way, accordingly urged any persons who could play an instrument to organize an orchestra. The result was that the present orchestra, consisting of six pieces, was formed. Although all but two of the members were amateurs, they were soon able, by practicing weekly, to play creditably and made their first appearance November 22, 1922. L. M. 71

THE RANGERS' CLUB The Rangers' Club is one of the newest and one of the strongest organizations in Cedarville College. It was established for the first time last year, and gave eighteen programs among the surrounding high schools. No medium has ever met with such success in local advertising as the Rangers' Club, and since every other business advertises its goods, we feel proud of the club in that it is placing before the public our high ideals,our needs,and our talent. Advertising is not the least end gained by this organization, for dormant talent has been developed and brought to the front. There are about twenty members in the club. These form a varied program consisting of readings, speeches, orchestra numbers, vocal and instrumental music, and a short play. The plan of the club is to give programs on Fridays, one or two in the afternoon, and one in the evening. We feel that through these programs high school pupils receive more practical ideas of what is being done by the students of Cedarville College. Many pupils are unable to decide their course after completing high school. By presenting the different phases of our college life, we aid them in deciding to continue their education and to continue in Cedarville College. This not only helps the high school pupils but is profitable and enjoyable to the members of the club. Altogether we feel that the Rangers should be continued from year to year, endorsed by the loyal students of Cedarville College. The club consists of the following: Readers— Ruth McPherson Hazel Williams Marjorie McClellan Mixed Quartette— Dorothy Oglesbee Lucille Johnson LaClede Markle Ernest Wright Instrumental Soloists— Forrest Nagley Charles Townsley Pianist— Lucille Johnson 72 Soloists— Dorothy Oglesbee Winifred Stuckey LaClede Markle Male Quartette— Julius Bowyer Jack Ewbank LaClede Markle Ernest Wright Faculty Members— Professor B. E. Robison Dr. W.R. McChesney E. D.


fr\ AR V V0 4. 4* 4. B, R 0 - FACULTY- ADV)SORe .As5T. BUS. Nor - N - ART EDITOR - CI u ITOP - R s - BUSINESS 111.8r. - I - At.. ART EDITOR -

THE STAFF The officers of the Cedrus Staff were all entirely new at the job. No one had ever been in such work before and as a result it was up to everyone of them to get busy and find out what to do and how to do it. Throughout the year we have had many difficulties and have done our best to meet them. At the end of the first term our artist, Mr. Harper, left school with his work half finished. The Staff at once elected a new member, Mr. Jurkat,to take his place. The Staff especially appreciate his work in taking up and finishing the artist's part of the book so well in such a short time. We wish to thank all those who have helped us, giving us any material that might improve our book. We might pass on a little advice to next year's Staff, by telling them to start after material early and then keep after it hard until they get it. This year, however, we have found most students willing to help out and do the best they can for us. The book was started in October when the new editor was elected. Since that time we have tried our best to make it a success that the students of this year may be reminded in years to come of the pleasant times they have spent here in college. We do sincerely hope that this Cedrus may bring to all of you many pleasant thoughts of fellowship with both friends and teachers of Cedarville College.—Editor. 75

PRIZE STORY By IDELMA WICKERHAM THE CONDEMNED DORMITORY Mrs. Joseph Trumbull stood on the station platform, trembling(and whitefaced, with her arms around the neck of her son and her fear-filled eyes looking pleadingly into his,"Now remember. Johnny, and do not do any of those dangerous things that I have warned you about. Above all, never sleep, or go into that terrible Condemned Dormitory. I just can't understand why men who have enough intelligence to manage a college, would allow the young men in the school to risk their lives in such a terribly foolish way." Thus Mrs. Trumbull gave the final warning that was to be the saving power to protect her son,—the son that her watchful care and protection, according to her way of reasoring, had brought to his nineteenth birthday, physically strong and apparently the picture of health. "Yes, mother, I would never do anything so foolish as to sleep in that dangerous place, but I do not think there will be much danger in just going inside for a little while, if the wind was not blowing. Do you?" . "Yes, Johnny, dear, I would never risk my life in there f or a minute, for you never can tell what time the wind might start to blow and a storm might come up." "Alright, mother. Good-bye." "Good-bye, Johnny," choked Mrs. Trumbull, and the tra in which he quickly boarded, sped rapidly toward Thurston College. John Trumbull was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trumbu ll, and being naturally very attractive, as well as being their own, he had become a victim of over affection and care. His mother, especially, lived in constant dread for fear that some accident or calamity would befall him. Although John wa s handsome and manly in his appearance, he had ignorantly allowed his well meaning parents to make of him,, what the high school boys termed, a "sissy." He had been advi sed by his father, warned and rewarned by his mother, against the dangers th ey had heard were present at every college to threaten the life and limb of every young man who entered. But Thurston College possessed a danger all its own; for th e old three-storied, brick building, that had once been the main college building, tho ugh now condemned, was being used as the men's dormitory, until a more modern, as well as a safer structure could be erected. By most people the building was not thought to be dangero us, as the bulging at the ends had been duly checked by four strong rods that ran lengthwise and were securely fastened to four strong steel plates at either end. In fact the old structure had stood in the same condition for so many years that it had come to be thought of as an ordinary and necessary part of the institution. Few people feared it at all, and none of the students, at this particular period of the school's history, with the one exception of John Trumbull. John was fairly well liked and might have been very popular among the fellows but for this one short coming, fear of personal danger and the unwillingness ever to take a chance. This characteristic is never advised by any group of young men and th e youth of Thurston College, while they were far from being a "bunch of rough-necks" were no exception to the rule. They therefore determined either to cure John Trumbull of putting such a high value on his personal safety, or at least to have some fun at (Continued on page 92) '76