1923 Cedrus Yearbook

The Cedarville Herald COMMERCIAL CATALOGUE JOB PRINTING Let Us Give You An Estimate On Your Printing Bell 316 Kaiser Laundry XENIA, OHIO Send Your Laundry to Us and We Will Return You Bundles of Happiness A. E. RICHARDS, Agent Phones Citz. 230 TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MORE CENTS AT Troute's Cash and Carry Grocery CEDARVILLE OHIO Ray (after Junior play): "Marion I was surely glad Lucille kissed you." Marion: "So was I, kid.' "Jack,have you got a date for the tournament?" Jack: "No, do you think I would spend a dollar on a girl for nothing." We all wonder why Ray left Kyle's party at ten o'clock, saying he must be home at once. Is it getting so bad that he calls Smith's home? Flossie says she thinks it was a pretty cute idea. xxvii