1923 Cedrus Yearbook

cic President, EARLE COLLINS Vice-President, ELOISE DAVIS Secretary and Treasurer, MARJORIE MCCLELLAN RETROSPECT 1923 Seated around the blazing campfire on the old Indian Mound, attending the last feed that we would have as students of Cedarville College, we traced our college life from the fall of '19 when we w ere supreme in our little world as Freshmen; on as we gained a wider knowledge of earthly affairs as Sophomores; broadening out and developing into full-fledged men and women, as Juniors; and lastly our Senior year, when a deeper sense of responsibility gripped us. As we sat gazing into the glowing embers our fancies seemed to cluster about the friendships formed and the good fellowship we enjoyed, rat her than upon the honors we received. A class spirit, loyal and affectionate,takes the place of the old factional feeling. In the silence a glowing log rolls off the fire, casting a shower of golden embers in a glowing haze over the group. A wreath of smoke slowly rises in a never-ceasing promenade upward. Suddenly the smoke blurs and a succession of faces appear, then incidents follow quickly, one upon the other, before our reminiscing visions until the entire days of our college lives are unfolded. We were forty-nine strong when we entered college; forty-nine wrapped in the expectation of their futures, which were to be so closely linked with the future of a greater Cedarville College. A billow of smoke suddenly unfolds itself before our vision. 24 lir