1923 Cedrus Yearbook

THE COMING CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Cedarville College has an ambitious future. Its ambition is worthy of your support. The plan is to have within a few years a standard Christian college. That means an endowment of at least $300,000, or $170,000 more than Cedarville now has. There will be twelve instead of seven regular collegiate professors beside the president. A girls' and a boys' dormitory,and a gymnasium; or three buildings in addition to the present buildings, to cost at least $160,000, will have to be erected. A total sum of $330,000 must be raised to meet the requirements of a standard college. A standard college for Cedarville means that Cedarville College will be admitted into full membership in the Ohio Association of Colleges, the American Association, and the North Central Association. The boys and girls of this community deserve as good collegiate advantages and opportunities as the youth of any other community in the world. Cedarville College has done enough for the people of this community to become the recipient of every dollar which every respectable citizen can give to increase the endowment. Every citizen having the welfare of this community at heart can advance its interests in the highest and truest sense by contributing annually and liberally to the endowment fund of Cedarville College. Cedarville College is now a community college. Work and give to make it the equal, at least, of any other reputable Christian college in America. Give yearly as much as you can spare to Cedarville College. Take an annuity at from 5 to 7 per cent, according to your age and tax free and absolutely safe, in Cedarville College. Remember Cedarville College in your will. Get your wealthy friends to give. The supreme need of the college is endowment and buildings. The last drive in 1921 for funds did not nearly reach the need. Every friend of the college must rise and rise NOW to meet the needs of Cedarville College. This means the alumni, former and present students, patrons, the church, and the community in and around Cedarville. Resolved now that from this time on, you will be one to contribute yearly all that you can and that you will also do all you can to enlist the help of others, until Cedarville College shall become a standard college and its permanence and worth shall be assured. W.R. MCCHESNEY. 6