1924 Cedrus Yearbook
• 4 , The CEDRUS 1924 Secretary Pauline Collins Treasurer Ruth McPherson President La Clede Markle Junior Class History OW WELL DO WE RECALL our first morning in chapel! It was not so very long ago for we are only Juniors now. Truly, that was our first taste of college life and most assuredly we were favorably impress- ed. As Freshmen we took on new courage and began to realize our responsibilities. Of course our Freshman life was not all work and no play; for we did have an occasional "feed." At least once we felt so sorry for the upper classmen we al- most fed them, but our men had been so well trained in football that they were strong enough to prevent such a catastrophe. Speaking of sports, the college would go begging were it not for the captains, managers, halfbacks, quarterbacks, etc which our class so ably supplies. As "Sophs" we were not so great in number, but we still had the "quality." We were well represented on the Cedrus Staff and in the college play. We were at the front in pestering the Seniors when they had their "feeds." We will say that they were blessed with "Angel Cooks"' Since time never ceases to fly, we suddenly found ourselves Juniors. Sad to relate, our ranks were greatly depleted by this time, for many answered the call for teachers. Never will we forget our "steak roast" at Larry's cabin, or the "chick- en feed" at Lois', but these are only two of the many bright spots in our Junior life. Naturally we hesitate to "laud our praises to the skies," but we are so proud of our Juniors that we want others to know and appreciate us. Our highest aim is to do the best we can for our college, with the hope that she will give of her best1( in return. t. P. C. -5) vvir Thirty-two
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