1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 !MAW Green County Normal HE YEAR 1923•1924 marked the beginning of the Greene County Nor- mal School at Cedarville. The College kindly offered the use of a room on themain floor of the Administration Building in which to conduct it. This was accepted as a suitable place. This has proven a great ad- vantage to the Normal School because it enables the students to come in close contact with the college life, and associate with the college students. This is something that one does not find in many Normal Schools. Here the Normal students are considered and treated the same as Freshmen of theCollege. It also gives them the opportunity to attend chapel services. The Cedarville School is situated across the street from the campus. This also serves as an advantage to the students. It enables them to do their practice teaching and observation close to their boarding places. In 1111, way they are not to any extra expense. The establishers of this Normal School have been governed in their choice of 'material and methods of treatment by the needs of the rural teacher of today. The purpose of this Normal is to prepare teachers who will turn the drudgery of the rural school life into pleasant and interesting work. Everything that is essential for the preparation of a rural elementary teacher is given. Not only themethods of teaching are taught, but also a course in every elementary subject, including music and industrial art. This enables the student to have a good control of the subject matter before he begins his profession of teach- ing. Thirty-six hours of observation are required. At the end of the course the student is given a one year teacher's certificate. At the beginning of the first year nineteen students enrolled, eighteen girls and one boy. The class had the misfortune of losing two members, but those re- maining worked diligently through the course. This school was very fortunate in securing a most efficient teacher, Miss Su- sanne M. Koehler, of Columbus, Ohio: In the month of December Mr. Eswine from Columbus gave this class a very interesting course in Nature Study and Agriculture. In March the class was fortunate in observing Miss Morrow's and Miss Elliott's reading in the primary grades. Although the Greene County Normal is rather unfortunate in having a green name, it is very evident that this does not seriously handicap it in any way. WI C • :34 7->4. N._ \At \V‘ dr 1, Forty-two