1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 Department of Music S YOU APPROACH the College Library, and raise your eyes to thc window at the right of the entrance, you will sec the sign DEPART- MENT OF MUSIC; then when you are ransacking the shelves for a book to read, perhaps you will hear the melodious strains of a Bach In- vention or Beethoven Sonata coming from the studio in the rear; and you will realize that Cedarville College does have a Department of Music. This Department was established several years ago; and since that time it has been slow- ly, but constantly, growing. Already plans are being made for improvements tO be instituted next year. The Department of Music is conducted under the very efficient instruction of Professor J. A. Talcott, M. A. Professor Talcott is a graduate of the Cleveland Piano School, the Georgia School of Technology, and the Royal College of Organ- ists at London. He has also studied voice under Charles S. Burnham, and choir direction under J. Powell Jones of Wales. During the past year Prof. Talcott has offered courses in piano, organ, voice, and harmony. A course in violin will be add- ed whenever the demand for it is sufficient to secure the services of a teacher from Springfield. In the past the instruction has all been given individually in half-hour lessons; but in the future the work in harmony will be class work taught by thc lecture method. The work for each course is mapped out, and when the course is completed a diploma of graduation is given. A public recital is held every June to demonstrate the work of the Department and to give the pupils training in public appearance. The College encourages work in music by allowing a total of eight credits in music to count towards the electives in the Art Curriculum . This year thirty-six pupils have enjoyed the instruction in the various courses. The students come from the public schools, high school, college and community. More pupils are expected next year and arrangements are being made to accomodate them. In addition to the regular work, the Department has given a course in Pub- lic School Music to the students of the Greene County Normal. A new feature for the coming year is to be the advanced department. The work in the past has been mainly primary and intermediate. Now pupils of ability will be encouraged to continue their work in the new department. Professor Tal- cott will devote more of his time to advanced work, and will be assisted in the pri- mary teaching by some of the older music students. A great improvement was made this year when the studio was moved from the Administration Building to the Library. The present studio is larger and much more convenient and attractive. However, we are all looking forward to the day when the Music Department will have more students and instructors, several studios, and practice rooms for the out-of-town students; and when Music will be a benefit recognized by more students. M. D. --i) V' 0 • _ ' ----7"."->- li . — -.....„. ' . - .• I .....- .... -.C. ...... r.... ....... .-.34 411.........11 1.M.I...........0.......4.41..410.......11.1•••••••PNIPINO Forty-four