1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 1923 Football Review EDARVILLE COLLEGE received its first taste of football in 1921. Finding that the taste only made a desire for more we have continued every year since.• The team that went on the field this year is the third team to he put on the field. Each year the main difficulty has been to get enough out to practice and it is the sincere hope that the coming team will not he handicapped by this trouble. When Coach Talcott first called practice, on Sept. 12, about thirty men of various abilities answered, and donned thirty football suits in preparation for the initial struggle with Antioch. The team had only eight practices, and comparitively few scrimmages, before they had to journey to Antioch. The game was hard fought and earlyin the game Markle made a touchdown. This made us very enthusiastic ' and we were in great spirits. Luck was with Antioch and, due to a fumble, they scored. Antioch was completely outclassed in every respect but scoring. The next game was with Findlay, and was played on our gridiron. The teams battled in the middle of the field, hack and forth they struggled. Our team •Nlo. •••• Forty-nine