1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 Boys' Basket Ball LAYING a brand of ball unsurpassed at times by none; yet failing at other times to work as an organized unit, this year's Basket Ball Team passes Into history. We have made a name for ourselves, outdoing many pre- vious teams in some respects, although losing' several games in our schedule. "A good beginning makes a bad ending," is the popular saying but let us wait and see. On the 6th of December our boys met Springfield Business College on the local court, and won the opening game of the season by a decisive score. Though yet in the early stages of development our players showed ability and the promise of being a winning team. The following Tuesday we journeyed to Sabina and in the last minute of play we were still leading by one point. The ball was still in the air as the final whistle sounded, only to drop through our opponents' basket on its downward swoop. This was bitter but the luck was against us so we made the best of the bargain we were able. The week-end was spent in Columbus. During this time we dropped two games; one to Capitol University, another to Bliss Business College. These were exceedingly fast teams so we did not let the defeats worry us. Following this, we met the more experienced quintette from Wilmington Col- lege on the home floor. Our team played a good game in the first half but they weak- ened in the last part of the game. During our Christmas vacation, when we were feeling fine after receiving our gifts, we met the team from Defiance College and van- quished them. The game was played on a neutral floor in Dayton. The game was one of the most spectacular of the season. Trailing by a score of 23 to 9 during the second half and then winning out in an overtime period furnishes a contest replete with thrills and surprises. Following this game our team met with a series of five reverses. Webster was on the sick list for three weeks. The student body was in despair and we thought that some evil spirit was certainly following us, as we would lose by provoking scores. The Jinx was trailing us in the first half of the game we played •at Antioch, we just couldn't hit the basket. The second half ,was a battle from start to finish, but the lead was too large to overcome. Wilmington, Bliss, Babbs, and Ashland each captured a game at our expense. We failed to live up to the adage quoted in the beginning of this review for which we are very thankful. The first victim of our rejuvenated team was Babbs from Xenia. The one to follow was the Y. M. C. A. aggregation from Washington. By this time we were again encouraged, and as the last game of the season rolled around we hoped to beat our old rival—Antioch. At last the evening came and we went to the/ 4 Gym hoping against hope that the score would be large for us. By the time the boys game was called the enthusiasm of the crowd was unsurpassed. The game started,, \v‘ _ Fifty-two