1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 Girls' Basket Ball EDARVILLE COLLEGE may justly be proud of her girls' basket ball squad this year. During the season, we have played eleven games and have received the laurels of victory seven times. Although we were unable to deal Antioch a defeat this year, we made the game quite in- teresting for them, the final score being 16 to 15. We succeeded in handing both the Quaker and Lutheran Maids a double defeat this season. The disappointment resulting from the cancelling of Rio Grande's game by mistake was great but slightly appeased by the trip to Columbus. Perhaps you will be allowed your trip to Rio Grande next year, girls. Our prospects and hopcs for a team that will never taste defeat next year are high. Our squad of this year with its star guards, excelling forwards and effi- cient centers, along with the peppy subs and other candidates, will he ready to fight for the Orange and Blue with even more vim and vigor than this year. Let us give nine big Rahs for the winning team of Cedarville in '23 and '24. 1-1. W. f Fifty-four