1924 Cedrus Yearbook
I . •••••••••••••INNI• The CEDRUS 1924 &,,172,1423. Cedrus Calendar April 27—Showers for Miss Brand. May 14—French Club has covered dish supper. May 23—College gluttons enjoy Senior 'picnic at Bryan Farm. May 25—Junior-Senior Banquet at Community Hall. May 31—Teachers' delight week. The weather was Passing Fair. June 3—C. C. Baccalaureate services at I. P. Church. June 4—Senior Play, "Come Out of the Kitchen," at the Opera House. June 5—Early birds' breakfast at cliffs. Faculty reception on College Campus. June 6—Cedar Day. We go into the 'movies.' •-• — A7RTT FRESHIIAW June 8—Senior revelry. College commencement. Homer Henderson and Wilbur 1). Nesbit address us. June 9—Important date; "Pop" Warner jumps into double harness. Sept. 11—Coach and some students arrive. Football practice starts. Sept. 12—C. C. Watermelon feed. College opens its 30th year. Sept. 17—Soph. weiner roast at Indian Mound. Drew quite a crowd. Student body picture taken. Sept. 22—Cedarville, 9—Antioch, 25. Off, to a bad start. Sept. 25—Hon. S. D. Fees speaks in High School auditorkm. Freshman truck ride to Lonesomehurst. No eats discernable. Baker goes down for the count and Yank does a 'Tom Mix.' Seventy-three
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