1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 Sept 26—Rev. Gray of Jamestown in chapel. Sept. 29—We won by golly—Cedarville, 7; Findlay, 0. Oct. 4—Methodist social for college students. Oct. 5—Pigskinners leave for Hoosier battle. Oct. 6—Hoosiers win by small margin. Just wait. Earlham comes here in '24. 147'R .77, 41.gtow.s Oct. 9—C. C. weiner roast on campus. Pep committee organized. Oct. 11—Rev. Moyer of Beaver in chapel. Junior spread on Peelee Island. Oct. 16—Freshanen challenge Sophs. to football game. Oct. 19—Fresh.-Soph. struggle 0 to 0. You didn't miss anything. Freshmen caps all sold. Green buttons remain in place. Oct. 26—Sidewalks, busses, and autos decorated for Rio Grande fight. PZ4t=isres '/://' "Did, ro Poz Oct. 27—Rio Grande hogties us. Some trophies as a result. Oct. 29—Hallowe'en party in Gym. Several lose seven year's growth. Nov. 6—Election day for politicians. Collection day for Y. W. C. A. Marion Storniciii gets one vote for Assessor.(?) Nov. 8—Orange and Blue paper everywhere. Bon Amied all the windows. • 4 v01/ yolleft , — /1'4www rfrour -5) 111,., i,,k.. s..01 V". iftl. V-,•-''''' ------..—,- • ,Arre-,-,... -:,,•--- ' . ---.-.7-"Yg • Ar ,eri 1 Seventy-four