1924 Cedrus Yearbook

The CEDRUS 1924 Mary Townsley: "Miss Tinker says my translations would be better if they weren't so literal—if I would only read between the lines more." Dorothy Wilson: "Well why don't you?" Mary: "I can't; its half erased." Paul Orr: "Look at that girl. She is as pretty as she can be." Tiffany: "That's nothing. There are a lot of girls in that fix on this campus." Prof. Jurkat: "Listen closely to this lecture on History, you don't know any- thing about this subject, you are all ignorant or else you wouldn't be here." Staid Senior: "Why on earth don't you laugh when Prof. Jurkat tells a joke?" Second Staid Senior: "I don't have to. I'm leaving college at the end of this week." Prof. Frazer: "Husher, what does A stand for?" Flusher: "Just a minute, I've got it on the end of my tongue." Prof. Frazer: "Well spit it out. It's arsenic." Mrs. Oglesbee: "How do you know that he wat. following you?" Ann: "Because he kept looking around to see if I was coming." Lois:"Walk, will you please run up the blind, we must not be so prominent." Walk:"I am quite an athlete but I can't do that." When 'Ann Ord made her first appearance at the barber shop. "Please Mister, just cut off ten cents worth." Don Wickerham, in Plane Geometry: "Can you prove the proposition, that the square of the hypotenuse of a rt. angled triangle is equal to the sum of • the squares of the other two sides?" Markle: "I don't have to prove it, I admit it." Prof. Robison: "There are many different classes of people, the leisure class for instance." Howard Arthur: "Thats me." Prof. Robison: "I thoroughly agree with you." Miss Koehler: "Mr. McCoy you must think that this class is a barn." Mc.: "Why?" Miss Koehler: "Just one stall after another." Dick Cooper: "Dearest, I must marry you." . Ruth: "Have you seen father?" Dick: "Often, honey, but I love you just the same." Doctor Finney to Betty Gifford: "Something sicms to be the matter with your heart. To give it a name it is Angina Pectoris." Betty: "No, that isn't his name at all. You'll have to guess again." ‘V\i I • •-• •• • • • -• -•--,_-. °_,••• Seventy-nine