1925 Cedrus Yearbook

Expect a Lot! "You'll get it in Our new customers drive" -,••••.% 77-7T'-177-7 2,1 I You'll certainly like the new Spring shades of tan leaf, racquet, fawn, otter, polo—the prince grays, the Gothic browns, the Antwerp blues. The wider shoulders and smartly snug hips of the new spring styles will appeal to you. Come expecting a great deal—you'll get it W. D. ALEXANDER AND COMPANY Springfield's Greatest Clothiers MAIN AND LIMESTONE CARL E. SMITH 510 N. Galloway St. Xenia,0 Phone 23-W BUYS or SELLS ANY MARKETABLE STOCKS or BONDS Representing THE LAGONDA SECURITIES CO. Offices: 404 Fairbanks Bldg., Springfield, 0., Phone 878 504 Mutual Home Bldg., Dayton, 0., 19/12Green St., Xenia Call us for prices on any securities you wish to sell o. r buy Osterly Millinery 37 Green St., Xenia, 0. Our buyer visits New York each season, securing the choicest hats, trimmings, ornaments and fabrics, at the lowest possible prices. WHEN IN XENIA you are invited to visit our store and inspect the most Up-to-Date Line of Jewelry obtainable, at the most reasonable prices. L. A. WAGNER 0. D. Jeweler and Optometrist 9 W. Main. St., Xenia, Ohio