1925 Cedrus Yearbook

The Faculty ACH year shows changes in the personnel of Cedarville College faculty. De, spite these changes there are two memIers who will he remembered by even the oldest alumna: and alumni as "Our professors." Of these two one is the only persownho has been on the faculty from the opening day in 1894, and who for the past ten years has gu'ded the affa'rs of the College to higher and better things—President McChesney. The other one has been with the College but one year less than Dr. McChesney and has through these years maintained his high position as teacher and efficiently managed the finances of the College. Other members of the faculty are of much later generations. Professors Frazer and Robison came to the College in 1922. Professor Tinker came to us in 1923. Dr. J. A.Talcott became Director of the Department of Music in 1923. Miss Koehler, Director of the Greene County Normal School, has in addition to her work in the Normal, rendered valualle service to the College in the department of Education ever since the Normal School was located at Cedarville, in 1923. The most recent additions to our force are Professors H. H. Smith, in the De- partment of Education, and E. F. Diedrich, Athletic Coach; and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Dean of Women,all of whom entered upon their duties in 1924.